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Bertrand Kim

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Everything posted by Bertrand Kim

  1. I'm not sure what you're seeing from reading your post - did you set up a dead zone(for rotating) in space pilot? Kim
  2. This request had been filed by CAXA team at 2023-2-1
  3. Hi Tim I don't have any idia to do that. However I also want to have some "variables(Like ICD)" to be controled with Qleader In CAXA. Kim
  4. Hi Harley, I guess this issue is related to the window size. Have you ever tried making the window more larger? Luckily CAXA memorizes this size. I have the same symptom only when I press ESC in the text field of the smaller window than yours. Kim
  5. If you don't use 2024, try that to wrap the child pattern to the assembly. Kim
  6. I'm curious too if this item is a metal, how can you guys drawing it(or is there a any program or there is the manual handbook) in pressing industry? KIM
  7. Hi emil...hm... I have a dirty idea Although laser cuts and bends have different geometries. bandicam 2024-02-29 23-01-35-892.mp4 Kim
  8. Hi all, You can Easily creating Diamond Knurling pattern with Helix of 3D sketch & Sweep tool. bandicam 2024-02-28 20-02-15-110.mp4 Kim
  9. Hy Peter, I guess that Limited Reference for Exterrnal link is the new way to using the next step in configuration that I wanted before(From my understood, I can using the different Configurations in the just one file(Linked to several times) that linked that is not allowed before IronCAD2024). I guess it saved me a lot. Kim
  10. Hi Sharath, Try that using External links\ Kim
  11. Thank you Malcolm, I guess using Xrefs is the best solution who want to make that multiple drawings in one DWG like below. When if you save files to DWGs not EXBs in CAXA, does everything works perfectly? Is there any reason that creating dimensions using BricsCAD? Kim
  12. Hi Jang, For me, it is definitely item No.2 (No.1 on the Picture). However it is for me, not for the outsourced fabricator(You mean 가공집, right? or do you mean 외주 조립 업체?). I don't want to break the link between drawing and model unless it's unavoidable. But there would be some bugs Due to compatibility issues between CAD doing item No.2 (No.1 on the Picture). To prevent any issues from it, I prefer explode all things in the drawings. Ps) I don't understand BDC not support. It supports BDC. Kim
  13. I'd couldn't find the function what you want(I remember I tried it before). For now, the best way to do is add something&delete something. However, I think it will be good if it is changed when we do "Regenerate Catalog Item" Kim
  14. Thanks a lot Kevin, I should have checked "With Fatigue" button in the material window!! Kim
  15. Hi all,, Is there any sample? bandicam 2024-01-09 13-34-04-120.mp4 Kim
  16. Is it only me who can not escape from Shift+F1 IronCAD2022&IronCAD2023&IronCAD2024 with Win11 pro, My home system can escape from Shift+F1 with Win10 home. Kim
  17. Thanks Emil, Did you forget to upload 4k? It is not 4k, And those Calenders' widths are 1200px,,,,,,,, I cant not read any numbers....I'm not familiar with nubmers............... Happy holidays Kim
  18. Hi Lee, I think you can not make let them follow specific CAXA BOM you were manually edited. However in your case, it is the best way changing the sort of the tree in the source scene because the sort of BOM follows the sort of scene. Kim
  19. Hi Zevium, I couldn't find the way. =Row() works, but I can't mix functions. (It's interesting =Column does not work) Anyone know? Kim
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