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Everything posted by dhovatter

  1. Its Lethargic. Every thing seems to be moving at a slower rate, like its is having to process a bunch of information before it can act. On big files it is even worse. I am beginning to wonder if I have changed some setting that make everything work slower. Like when you drag or even select and item. Dallas
  2. I do not know about the video cards I still have fairly old Nvidia Card. It runs two monitors. I was using two 19" CRT's but my IT guy surprised me a couple weeks ago with a new "ACER AL2416W" LCT flat. I have that as my main monitor and the one of the old 19" CRT as second. THe 24" Wide screen is the best thing for IronCad. being wide I can keep the Scene Browser open and still have lots of screen left. I am still interested in what is the best video screen since my IT guy says he will be upgrading my computer in the future.
  3. How often do you need to mow that. Looks very real. Dallas
  4. I do not have as strong a system as you guys do, I do not think. But it works OK. I need much more memory but have not added any yet. As far as problems with V10. Most of the glitches have been fixed by HF1 but I still have that problem with my geometry shifting when I edit. Cary said in his reply to that problem that it was marked "Fixed" so I assume it will be in HF2. I am big on IronCad since I have been using it since it was "Trispectives 3D" and only cost $250.00. Some things have changed but mainly the price. There are many small changes that need to be addressed that have been around for many versions. Small things that are more of an irritation then glitch. But I do not see myself changing in future unless the new owners of the company make that change. I am trying to sell them on Iron cad but in our German plant they use AD Inventor. Happy Rendering guys Dallas
  5. THat is some great info guys. I did not know about the push pin nor the fact you could continue work, even on the same file, while the rendering was working. I tried it and put the rendering on my other monitor and it rendered away while I kept working on my main monitor. I may start doing more rendering now that I know these things. What was cool is that the rendered files stayed on even after I closed files that were rendered. Thanks again. Dallas
  6. What can you say. WOW. I have question for you guys that do all this rendering. Do you have multiple computers so that you can be designing on one while the other does the rendering? I do not do any rendering partly because I have not the need but the other big one is because I would never get any work done if my computer sat rendering and I made changes in setting and my computer sat rendering again. Dallas
  7. I have in another post last year asked that the automatic selection of "LINKED" when using the "Save As Part/ Assy External" and the "Insert Part/Assembly" functions be DE-SELECTED and only link when the user selects that option. It is a pain to remember to de select this each time. I am curious about how many users use the linking ability. I have always steered clear of any linked files. Any time I have forgotten to de-select the link option it has caused me problems. I can see some value in some instances of using linked files but this does not seem to me to be an everyday every part necessity. Also in recent posts it seems that everyone has had some problem connected to linked files with V10. Can users respond with the rational of linking everything like they seem to, or voice your dislike of the auto link being default. The other thing I would like to see is a way to "unlink all" when you have 200 parts and assemblies in a file without hunting thru every single piece to fine the pesky link. Maybe there is a way and I am missing it. Dallas
  8. Tom I agree with Mike T. Using the "2D Shape" tool in the 3D Scene is better and more tools are available to draw with too. Then when it is brought to 2D the paper size can be small since the drawing can be scaled there. If they want to go the ground up route use pencel and paper first then build in 3D. Dallas
  9. Tom It is a custom built press to apply patterned adhesive laminate to sheets of plastic, then apply protective peal off cover and then cut back into sheets. Final products are cut out and used as Cell phone screen windows. To compare rendered to photo see our web site AMDIE.COM. under products, press accessories. Dallas
  10. I downloaded V10 yesterday and installed it. It was to be an exciting thing to see the new version on my computer. What a neat cool thing that on the splash screen the first thing to pop up was my machine that you guys rendered. I like the look and feel of it so far. But it has only been on my computer for 24 hours, still finding new stuff. Dallas
  11. Nice software. I played a bit with the settings to get the gradin blue background to be smoother and the edges in the AVI. Works nice. I plan to use the tool to produce some assembly and maintenance videos to put on CD with my how-to manuals for my customers, so size is not really an issue. Bit like you say for the price it's good. got any more nicely priced software ideas?
  12. Check out TRANSMAGIC.COM THey sell a translator that will convert i think. I had a customer who provided this type files and I could not afford the translator to convert so I had to find 2D drawing for each component and create 3D for that. I would like to see these added to IC in future. Dallas
  13. the only thing good you left out is that if you right click when setting fillet you can call out the radius size in the pop-up wendow. Dallas
  14. I do not know how detailed you want but what I use just to show figure for referance by a machine is the attached file called Dude 1.ics his arms and legs can be mived. You need to select the parts and position your ttri-ball where the pivit is.
  15. I am assuming you want the Cylinder to be tangent as if the cylinder is rolling down the wedge. Use you Tri Ball. On way is to set the tri ball to the contact point you want on the wedge first perpendicular to the face you want the cylinder to be tangent to. Then move the wedge to the center of the cylinder. Then drag the wedge the exact radius of the cylinder. The cylinder and wedge are now tangent. That is if you can move the wedge. But if you need to leave the wedge where it is you can use the tri Ball. Set the tri ball to center of cylinder. Rotate the cylinder parallel to an edge of the wedge. Drag the cylinder to point on desired wedge face and then rotate the cylinder with tri ball till the one axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to that face. Now drag the cylinder away from the face the exact Radius of the cylinder. I an sure there are other ways but this takes about 5 seconds to do. To adjust the placement of the cylinder on the wedge use tri ball, make sure the axis of the cylinder is still parallel to face and drag it where you want.
  16. I never knew about switching to get blends to work. I need to try that. I use ACIS mainly because it make my files smaller when saved.
  17. It coulld be like changing the text size in word (etc.) highlight what you want to change and hit the tab and a list comes down and you pick one. I often need to go back and forth to get views just the way I need them.
  18. John It has helped me that my desk has adjustable section in it that the keyboard and mouse set in lower then the the main part of the desk. that section has been adjusted to where it is just off my lap and my chair has arm rest. I agree with Mike. I found myself resting the heel of my hand on the mouse pad and supporting all the weight of my arm on it. Then I moved the mouse down on the stepdown part of my desk with the keyboard and that way I could rest my arm on the Chair arm rest and now my hand sort of hovers over the mouse. I also use a long wrist pad across the front it is about 20" long and it helps. I know that some of the newer ergo keyboards are jointed in the middle to form a convex keyboard, I do not know if the will bind to form a concave keyboard. If it did you could arange it so that your arm could swing in in arc across the keyboard from the mouse reducing the amount of arm and body movement. If set up good your elbo would be the pivit point. Have you ever checked with a rehab center to see if they have devices that wold help you. I know thay have access to things the general public does not. Dallas
  19. steve I tried it and I like it. Thanks Dallas
  20. You will need to play with the setting for the image of the thread set for cylinder and set size of thread and sometimes flip the image to look like right-hand thread. Dallas
  21. Dave I tried a more complex shape and It was no luck. It even locked up IC once. I know parasolid works. Dallas
  22. Dave I tried a test with simple cube from Master Cam {Created as Solid} and imported into IC as IGES with default settings and it came in OK. I use MasterCam to do my CNC programs with But mainly do my design work in IC. What works best for me is Convert the MC solid file to parisolid to import to IC. and same going into MC. I use an earlier version of the parisolid (9) since the later versions have problems going into the version of MC I use on my station. Is the part(s) in MC lines/arcs or was it created as a solid? If the part(s) in MC were converted to a solid in MC it is easy to get them out, I do that with my old (pre-IC) parts. Dallas
  23. Thanks Kevin But it seems also that you need to change name. thanks again Dallas
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