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Considering replacing AutoCAD with ironcad...


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I do several (many) custom things in AutoCAD that some cad programs just don't support. Since Autodesk has decided to jump on the stupid Subscription model for their software, my company has decided to change their drafting products to something else. And since I am one of the drafters I am considering other options for my personal machine. I don't have unlimited funding, so I would like to get the most bang for my buck. The suite my company is leaning toward is still more than my budget, So I am looking at the market to see what offerings are out there. But the product pages only show so much information. I need to know some things before I drop hundreds or thousands of moneys on something that may or may not work for me, and i'd rather not clutter up my workstation all the dozens of trial software available if it again doesn't do what i need. Does IRONCAD allow user to create dynamic blocks with visibility states? Does it allow me to work with 2D and 3D tools? does it allow me to use boolean operations on solids? does it allow wipeout frames? does it allow classic view instead of the new stupid "ribbon" that so many programs are moving toward? I'm also looking for a program that exports solid shapes to STL format, for use in 3D printers. I use autocad for 2d house-plans, and for 3d modeling and rendering of CG imagery.  And the last thing I am looking for is a Buy-it-once pricing model, not the subscription model other companies are bumbling into like lemmings.

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I have done literally dozens if not more than 100 complete detail packages and assembly drawings using a mixture of IronCAD and IronCADs drawing suite (ICD). There are moments of frustration like any software, but you can do just about anything (maybe some workarounds here and there) you will need to do to go from design to manufacturing. There is also CAXA, which I admittedly don't use much except to import ACAD geometry from customers etc, but it's a lot more like traditional AutoCAD and will also be included in the suite of IC tools. I know you said you don't want to download a bunch of trials etc., but I would make an exception for IronCAD and give it a shot. The people on this forum will be happy to help you out as you go through the stages of setting everything up and having your questions answered. I am a design engineer and project manager and have been using IC since late 2017 and have never not hit a deadline due to IC related issues so I am confident it can do what you need it to. The translation bundle will allow you to import/ export tons of different filetypes so no issue there.




Edit: I also want to mention that I am in no way affiliated with IronCAD and have no incentive to give you positive information about the company. 

Edited by SSIMMONS
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Hi keeganhennis,

To begin with, as a CAD user that has experience with different CAD software, I wish you well as you evaluate what CAD software best fits your needs. Firstly, note that IRONCAD has a separate environment for 3D modelling (with its own *.ics file format) and two separate environments for 2D Drawing / Drafting (with their own *.icd and *.exb file formats). So, this is quite different to AUTOCAD where you will be used to doing both 3D and 2D within a single *.dwg file.

In answer to your initial questions, I offer the following answers:

1a. There are 2 options available for 2D Drawing / Drafting in IRONCAD. Neither IRONCAD DRAWING (ICD) or IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT) offer Dynamic Blocks or Visibility States. IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT) does offer the creation of parametric symbols (blocks), which you can drag-and-drop from a Custom Library into your drawing and sized by dialog box (these don't have handles like Dynamic Blocks).

1b. Regarding Visibility States, the 3D Scene of IRONCAD offers "Configurations" which allow users to control the visibility of 3D Features, Parts and Assemblies within the 3D Scene. These same "Configurations" are also used for controlling what is displayed within Generated Views in IRONCAD DRAWING (ICD) and IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT). However, within the Layers Manager of the 2D Environments there isn't the ability to create "Visibility States" of Layers, in the same way that you're used to. So, visibility is controlled in a different way.

2. The 3D tools are available within the 3D Scene. The 2D tools are available within the 2D Drawing / Drafting environments of IRONCAD DRAWING (ICD) and IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT). Of these 2D options, IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT) has the more comprehensive 2D Modelling and Drafting tools (and Model Space) that you're used to from AUTOCAD.

3. Yes, Boolean operations are available for solids within the 3D Scene.

4. Yes, Wipeout frames are available within IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT), but not within IRONCAD DRAWING (ICD).

5. Yes, you can customize the User Interface of both the 3D and 2D Environments according to the "Classic" toolbar style if you prefer.

6. Yes, you can export 3D solids from the 3D Scene in the STL file format for 3D printing.

7. You can create and render your 3D models within the 3D Scene. There is a simple renderer included, however, depending on what you need you might need a more advanced 3rd party renderer as well to achieve better results. The 2D Drawings can be produced in IRONCAD DRAFT (CAXA DRAFT) using Generated Views from the 3D Scene, or by creating 2D Models in Model Space and then using View Ports within your layouts.

8. Yes, perpetual license. This normally includes the first 12 months of updates, after which you can choose whether to pay the annual software subscription for additional updates.

I hope that helps.


Edited by Malcolm Crowe
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I appreciate @SSIMMONS attempting to answer ease my concerns, but respectfully, there are specifics I need to know. I was almost set on buying a different suite, until I learned in their handbook that it can't in fact create dynamic blocks, though it can display them. Not sure the reasoning why that functionality would work, but oh well. I need my suite to seemlessly do 2d/3d drafting design, solid modeling, and definitely have the ability to CREATE and modify dynamic blocks like autocad.

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I appreciate @Malcolm Crowe Answering my post, but to be clear, there was a misunderstanding. "Visibility states" in dynamic blocks is like making each block a functional device. imagine the block is a bundled stack of transparency sheets for an overhead projector (I know, I'm old). Each slide of the packet is a visibility state, or a set of the drawing objects configured to display per the user's settings. You can set some linework to be visible on some states and not others, or on all states, as needed. You can create different variations of a fixture, for example, one with with a 120v plug, another with a 240v plug, one with a 3-phase plug, etc. Each of these models exists simultaneously on the block, but you select from a dropdown list which version of the block you want to display for that instance. It's helpful in my job as a lighting system drafter. We have versions in colors, and with functional differences, each enclosed in the same fixture block. We select which one we need at that location, and another for another location, etc. It's another way to contain optional information all in the same block object. This is all independent from the layers of the drawing and selecting which one is visible at any given moment. In a house drawing set, one could have a single block for tree shapes, simply selecting which tree variant from the list with every separate instance of the block. Or one could make a block for different list items, blocks of text such as custom consultant addresses that you don't wan to keep entering every time. 

As well, you can place in the blocks sections of text defined as "attributes" instead of text, and this will let you assign different device names or colors as small bits of text in the block, and editing the text of the attribute in one block does not affect the other instances of that block in the drawing. And editing the attributes in the block can be done in a simple edit dialog window instead of opening the block in the block editor screen each time you need to.

Unfortunately if IRONCAD doesn't allow me to use or manipulate dynamic blocks, i may have to look somewhere else. this one is my hard stop on which features i need. Draftsite suite has dynamic blocks, but it's double the price of ironcad, with an annual renewal price. i was hoping to spend less. I guess if there's no other option for a combined 2d+3d suite, and dynamic blocks...

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It never occurred to me (but should have) that you were referring to Visibility States within Dynamic Blocks (rather than Layer States). I am familiar with this, as our other software (BRICSCAD BIM) has this capability.

As I understand it, only AUTOCAD is able to create "Dynamic Blocks" as their implementation is patented. Other DWG Editors that are based on SDKs of the Open Design Alliance (ODA) can open and edit "Dynamic Blocks" but just aren't permitted to create them. As a result, other DWG Editors create "Parametric Blocks" that can offer similar functionality to "Dynamic Blocks" (including Visibility States).

My personal opinion is that BRICSCAD is the best alternative for AUTOCAD users looking for comparable functionality and compatibility. This includes powerful "Parametric Blocks". BRICSCAD can even convert existing "Dynamic Blocks" to their own "Parametric Blocks", so that users can utilize existing libraries.


Edited by Malcolm Crowe
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