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nick orme

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  1. nick orme


    Robert & IronKevin, You guy's got any good scene's you can post then?? Nick
  2. Cheers Dave for the tip, went to the link but I couldn't find a suitable high end system, will bear it in mind if the admin people need to upgrade. Not sure how the shipping would go to Oz though. All our Dell's come from Singapore. Chris, thanks for the advice, I went back to the Dell site and upgraded the spec to a Xeon 2GHz and a 15,000RPM SCSI drive. Costs a bit more but what the hell, it's Christmas! I will stick with the Fire GL2 card and 1GB RAM. I couldn't find anything mentioning DDR RAM, what's that then? It's all PC800 ECC RIMM, I looked at Compaq, HP, and IBM with no luck either. Oh, and another thing, where do you get XI computer's from? I've never heard of them over here, I see the one dsulli mentioned had DDR RAM Most of the scenes we deal with are around the 10-20GB mark but as we're getting more experienced and the projects more complicated the size is growing. One thing I forgot to mention in my post was an opinion on whether to go for Win 2000 pro SP1, 2000 pro SP2, or XP pro. We only have operating systems in our company up to Win98SE. As with any OS we get problems but we are not sure what IronCAD would run better on?
  3. Kind of on this topic, the boss is going to get me a new computer, and I would really appreciate other IronCAD users opinions. I currently have a 1.5GHz Precision 330 with 256MB ram, 32MB Matrox G450 video card that is getting handed down, it is not a bad machine but I want the new one to be noticeably better. I've gone to Dell's website as they appear to be the best value around, at least if we want something decent over in Australia. I have attached in pdf format what I believe to be a beast of a computer without going too overboard. I've checked out the Graphics Card topic so I reckon the Fire GL2 is the go. Seeing as all my files are on a network I don't think the extra speed HDD would be an advantage, although sometimes I have saved locally due to network problems. Would it be wise to transfer active files to the HDD and then once completed transfer back onto the network? Oh and monitor wise, I'll be keeping my current Sony 21" so I just opted for Dell's cheapest 17" As I said any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guy's & gal's Dell computer.pdf
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