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IronCAD Employee
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Everything posted by IronKevin

  1. Or try this: IronCAD cleanup: 1. Uninstall IronCAD. 2. Delete these folders: C:\Program Files\IronCAD\2023 C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\IronCAD C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\IronCAD C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\CAXA C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\CAXA 3. Run regedit.exe and delete: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IronCAD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IronCAD 4. Go to the folder %TEMP% and empty it as much as Windows will allow. 5. Reinstall IronCAD.
  2. Did you try an uninstall and reinstall?
  3. Notes from Fronema: as workaround, drop the tool with the right mouse button. Then in the dialog set the red boxed option: In the meantime we are working to fix this behavior. Have a nice day
  4. Reported to Fronema (makers of the MECH tools).
  5. Please also send your UI XML files from: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\IronCAD\IRONCAD\25.0\en-us\Customization
  6. As for this browser resizing, I have not been able to reproduce that. please go in your Windows Registry and export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IronCAD\IRONCAD 25.0 send me the .reg file this will allow me to test using your settings.
  7. You might need to adjust the Layer setting for Bend Lines in Tools, Options, 3D Interface.
  8. Auto Item Bubble.mp4
  9. Are they on a network drive? Does anyone else have them open?
  10. If you put an object on an OFF layer, it will remain OFF in the DWG/DXF file.
  11. You right, it makes little sense. It's probably a throw back to the TriSpectives days. We have filed a request to make the extreme point option the default.
  12. Handle right-click to make a Parameter.mp4
  13. Not that I'm aware of. Anyone found a work-around for this?
  14. We don't have a method for mitering separate parts, you'll have to trim each part at an angle with a cut shape or Cut Sheet Metal Part tool.
  15. The Sizebox does not always match the actual geometry. You can often run Reset Sizebox to match them up.
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