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Christian Skytte

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Everything posted by Christian Skytte

  1. Hi Kev (and Tom), Tanx for the info... I'll check with our IT-dep and Ironcad support! BR. c_skytte
  2. Hi there! I just realized there is a Hotfix 1 out for IronCAD v9 PU1..!! Maybe I'm the one that's blind but how about some info what the corrections might be?? I can't find one dropped line what it is changing! Just doing the hotfix update without knowing why, doesnt make a lot of sense to me!! Should I just run the update? Should I only run it if I have some special problems? Etc. etc Secondly... The first release of IronCAD v9 is called 9.0, right?? IF you add the PU1 (for v9) then its called 9.0 PU1!! ...Why??? Shouldn't it be IronCAD v9.1?? And when you add the newest hotfix for IronCAD v9 PU1, then please tell my why you could announce it as update IronCAD v9.11 or maybe v9.1a?? Its pretty difficult to figure out what version others are using because everybody is calling the same version something different!! And finally.. Why don't you have a download section containing all updates hotfix's and so on?? And please make it with a sense of structure!! I'm not very pleased with the way you "control" or handle it!! ...sorry! c_skytte
  3. Hi, I'd like to apply Auto-constrains to a Sheet-metal part! My problem is that I didn't aware Auto-constrains were turned off as I started modeling the SM-part!! But NOW these (missing) constrains would be VERY helpful!!!!! I've tried t copy the part and so on... but nothing so far has done the trick!! Maybe I could regenerate the part some how..? But I don't know how or if it is doable!! c_skytte
  4. I also got some problems with the file sizes in IronCAD! I had a drawing (a mounting manual) containing 4 sheets of a pretty big scene with a lot of views. I liked the frontpage setup pretty much and decided to save it as a template for later use Afterwards I deleted the sheets and views from the template I wasnt going to use ..and saved it again! BUT by checking the explorer the templates filesize - the one just saved was approximately 62Mb!!!!! It is only containing a blank sheet with a frame and some text on!!!! NO drawing views NOTHING!! Template files..: Template contents..: c_skytte
  5. Hi, Yes, I really hope for some modifications in the future concerning the linking problem! I've been working with SolidEdge for 5 years or so... and SE contains the tool IC has been looking for!! The RevisionManager / Insight Connect!! Besides controlling revisions you are also able to "repair" broken links (to external parts/assemblies), if you moved the external saved part/assembly to another server location or just want to replace it! If your server have Sharepoint installed the RevisionManager is able to find the new location for the moved part/assy itself! ... a PRETTY nice tool! In this example one file has not been found by opening the assembly through RevisionManager and a new file (selected by the user) is going to replace it (see Action-column): Read about Insight Connect here: Insight Connect c_skytte
  6. We are having some new Graphicscard for our computers and the choice is between the Nvidia Quadro FX 1400 and the NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500! I know IronKevin do have the 1500-model: but which cards do you folks else have in your PC and what about the performance?? c_skytte
  7. Cary, Thats exactly what I had in mind!!! PLEASE tell me how I could make it work (not nuch info in "IC Help"!!! as usual! ) using API!!! (...what's the Old Automation??) Ive done this template in which Id like to switch between two types in one template! Ive made some icons (Embedded objects from AutoCAD) and two of them are placed upon each other If I then only could suppress the one laying on top of the other if I would like to let the icon underneath to be shown! And here it would be nice if the on/off-sequence could control this ability! But how can I use this API (which I dont think I know what is) or the old automation? Mike..: I know how to use the custom properties in the way you describes it because here at work Im the guy setting up all the templates done! BUT I dont know what you mean by this: (BTW I would like IC to have something like the Drawing Head-macro tool, Smartext, is for Solid Edge!! Its a macro-tool in which you can control the drawing head in a way you always wanted to control a drawing head!! There are a lot of options the designer of the template can setup like: ·Taking the number from the saved 3D-part the drawing is based on (with OR WITHOUT the file extension!!!!!!!!) ·The date of creation (date the drawings first save!) ·Sheet counting (counts the number of total sheets and apply the correct number on each sheet!!!!) ·and much more of very professional and very good working features called from MS properties!!! I really think you should try it out!!! I could mail you the Smartext program if you would like to try it out?? but the DEMO disk of Solid Edge I cant bring you!!!! sorry!!!) Because if you could create something like this - drawingheads would NEVER be mentioned in IC comunity again!!! c_skytte
  8. How can I use the Yes or No option in Custom Properties?? Can I choose between if a part, icon or furniture (from the catalog) should be displayed in a drawing or not??? could any of you give me an example of that??! Or which options/actions hides beneath the Yes or No option?? c_skytte
  9. Hej Bo! Hva' faan?? er du igang med at bruge IronCAD?? Drop det!! Det er et skandale-program fyldt med fejl!! ( ...jeg regner med der er dig der har arbejdet på SEMCO lokumsteknik?) men velkommen anyway! ...du vil nok bruge en del tid her på forum'et for at løse dagen gåder i IC!! - christian
  10. Hi there! Id like to know how I can make this work!? In this file DRAFT___split.ics I would like to create what is shown on A onto the B part by using the Draft tool! How could I make this happen?? I think I have to use the Parting Line but I cant figure out how to make it work!! c_skytte
  11. Okay... On This file 8806020.ics I need a closed corner option ! What I do NOT need is here shown (with green circles) Hope this info is good enough!? c_skytte
  12. Closed Corner-option NOT working (I think??) I would really like to make a Closed Corner to this sheetmetal profile but IC will not accept it! If the closed corner is applied to a part where the added material is going outward it works just fine: But if (as you can see on this sketch) the added material is going the opposite direction, inward, the closed corner option fails! Here you can see that the setup for the closed corner option should be okay: Of course I'd like a (bloody) workaround - but if ANYBODY could tell me how to make this work the way it was meant to be it would be preferable!!!! c_skytte
  13. Hi folks! Back again after 3 weeks of vacation! We have some subsupplier who want us to deliver IGES exported in version 5 or 5.5..! When I try to export a part to Iges I'm only able to select between standard, ANSYS, MasterCAM, AlphaCAM and so on... Our subsupplier are using EdgeCAM... Does anybody know how to deal whit this..?? c_skytte
  14. Hi again! First of all I really appreciate all the help I can get in here!! Im just tired that 98% of the times its nothing else than a workaround!! To me that just not good enough sorry! Because 3D systems are invented to create ONE model and then you can use this model in your drawings without adding small lines by yourself or using textboxes as diameter for holes placed onto curved surfaces!! To this issue I cant find any applies/help from those guys getting paid to do so?? I dont know who it might be and if I missed some - Im very sorry!! What do you mean? Has it something to do with me, or what?? Im sorry that my English isnt that good I cant help it and you have to live with that! Okay? Secondly; Im not trying to take back what I said but some of my expressions should have been chosen more wisely I agree! I wasnt trying to take my frustration out on the USERS of the community - ONLY trying to get in touch with the inventors of the program! Because I really do think there are some BIG things to solve before they are letting their hands onto new stuff that could be added the program!! Yep! Not everybody can choose how they want to earn their money, right!!! So I have to use this program else I could hit the road! What sayings are you talking about?? Are they really doing ALL they can?? Then I think (which I hope Ive got the right to) they should come up with a new strategy in their company!! I think that developers and resellers ONLY are using (read: playing) IC 3D module! I know it isnt funny doing 2D all the time, but you have to test your product MUCH better before a release is done! Testing a product really has to be done it could save the users for a lot of struggle and the developers could concentrate and put much more effort on their actually job; developing new tools an other stuff to the future releases!!! c_skytte
  15. I'm glad (or more frustrated) to hear that I'm not the only one having serious problems with IC!!!! BUT guys!! you (/we) ONLY hate IC that much because you(/we) doesnt seem to get heard when you(/we) are complaining/reporting bugs or even say a prayer!! OK, Jonas! Could you PLEASE tell me what you did to make it work??????????? Ive been changing the magnification from 3.75 to 4.95 with steps of 0.05 and I didnt succeed!!! Formal IC training??? This training should only be concentrating about teaching in the stupidity of workarounds!!! And the solution to this issue hasnt anything to do with looking in the right spot, my friend! Counterproductive???? In CAD apps like Solid Edge you are forced to come up with solutions that are relative to reality!!! You are not able to make solutions, in the sheetmetal module, which cant be produced in reality! In IC thats okay!! Like this: (I think we have to do some welding to come up with this solution!!??) Yes, focus on problems is needed!! ServicePacks needed for reducing problems/bugs etc. Stop making new tools!! You cannot build another stock to a house if the foundation isnt stabile!! Stop coming up with workarounds! Its helpful the first couple of times BUT 2 years or 3 versions later a solution should be established!! - C (But who give a shit about member 22,588 he is always complaining anyway!)
  16. WTF!!!!!! I am really contemplating to hear out the management in this firm to continue using IronCAD as the preferred CAD program!! or if we should switch to something much more reliable!! Very soon Ive reached the point where Ive had enough!! Im stunned about all the errors in this program!! Especially the 2D part of the program is way out of order and not useable at all!! 2D is made for production, RIGHT? And to produce a product you need dimensions, RIGHT?! Then PLEASE tell me why the F I cant add dimensions to the parts used in the 2D environment?? Like this one: Dimensions are not useable on the red lines! The part and the drawing: P_004___001.ics P_004___001.icd In this drawing Ive tried everything!! Changed the magnification, deleted the view And Created It Again (ACIA), deleted all the views ACIA, deleted the drawing ACIA, deleted the part ACIA You F name it!!! This program drives me nuts!! Do something!!! I can tell you that other CAD program developers is online with service packs for error correction 2 or 3 weeks after a new release!! When was the first update for IC8?? and the 2nd?? How about a 3rd?? will it be online in a year?? · Users should NOT be fumbling with .dll files in your so-called hotfixs! · Users should be heard if a decided percentage (max 20!!) of then complaining/reporting a problem! Not fobbed off with: Its a well-known problem!! SULUTIONS are needed!! · Users should find their working tool reliable - it could raise the sails percentage, if they told somebody else about it considering 3D! · Users should be respected!! And fixes should be done by YOU!! · YOU should still be testing your versions after release and updates (if there is any?) · YOU should STOP doing development of new tools before you have closed 95% of the known issues in your Open Item Lists!! Listen very carefully!! We (try to) use this program for production!! Not for fun!! We are the customers - not some jerks who think it would be fun playing with a (so-called) CAD system! If we werent here you would be in the back of the line at the employment service!! I really do not understand why I cant find more complains on this website/community! do you delete them?? I really would appreciate some feedback to this issue (in plain English that would be understandable to all users!!) You cant sell a product based on 3D 2D is needed as well!! - C
  17. Tanx! It DID work - but I'm NOT impressed!! ...NOT AT ALL!! ...its very complicated!!
  18. Hi Kev, Tanx for your response... But the problem is that if the radius is bigger than the dimension of the side (painted yellow), which is available, its not possible - I'm afraid! I do not know if the Close Corner option could make use of the area painted red? So the fillet option would be applied around or along the bend!! (BTW whats your opinion about the fillet/chamfer tool for the sheetmetal module? Dont you think theyre hard to handle?) - C
  19. If you got something like this in Sheetmetal: Then how do you make a fillet with a 5mm radius of the corner with the length of 2mm?? If you do not understand my question the result should look like this: BTW the tools Vertex Fillet and Vertex Chamfer are NOT easy to handle actually I think they suck!!!! Why can I not use the ordinary Blend Edges or Chamfer Edges tools?? THAT would be easy!!! - C
  20. Hej Jensen, Jeg tror desværre ikke der er "nogen anden måde" at moddelere på..? I IronCAD hugger og klipper man bare i det man ikke skal/kan bruge!! - Christian
  21. Hi Mike, I dont get it .. Im feeling pretty much lost!! As you can see here thats the way the setup is made in the drawing! You cannot insert a Proper BOM in the drawing without having an object (3D model) in it first! It can only be done as a template BOM! Could you please tell me if something is wrong in the way Ive done the setup?? (Have you tried to open the attached templates and then adding a new sheet from the same template (please find it in the apply from Feb 15 2006, 03:07 Am) ??) Christian
  22. T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! You are good!! (The Support Group (from IronCAD) couldnt even come up with a solution to this issue!!!) In my template I have added some simple BOM it actually did work out fine before installing PU1, but after PU1 was embedded I couldnt add new sheets to a drawing without IronCAD was crashing!! But I would really like that little BOM-box to appear in the drawing because we are using it to keep track with our drawing revisions!! Like this: Does anybody know how to put in a box (etc. like an Excel spreadsheet), which would be able to extend (see the direction of the arrow in the image) to have more rows downwards if needed?? Because it doesnt seem to work with the BOM-box at all!! Christian
  23. Hi, I'm trying to make a pretty simple movie clip of an animation! The first picture of the film seems to be just fine! ...but the rest of it look awful!! Here is a very short sample of the movie test_2.avi What am I doing wrong?? How do I reach the best quality of the clip and which one is the best compressor? Could someone please give me an detailed description how to make it look good?! Christian
  24. Hi, Okay... let me be a little more specific! Here you can get the template Im talking about try to create another sheet just by adding one! (If you have anything else opened SAVE IT FIRST!!) templates.zip I have sent the same templates for our Danish supporter/supplier wholl get the exact same errors by trying to add a new sheet! The IronCAD support group didnt figure it out either?? Does anybody know how to fix it???? Im also confused that I havent received any mail about the Hotfxi2 for IC w/PU1 + Hotfix1!!! Earlier I received those emails but?? Christian
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