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Basics of Parameter Design and Design Variations



IronCAD allows for the creation of parameterized parts, allowing users to set up equations and systems that enable them to change their parts systematically. After learning the process of how to set up parameters, within a short amount of time, users with configuration-based designs can create and fit their parts to their projects.


IronCAD users can easily create parameters. Go ahead and design your part using your usual methods, and when you are ready, you can begin to add parameters. There are a few ways of doing this; the first is by going into the cross-section of the features you would like to remain dynamic. Next, add constraints that restrict the movement of parts you do not want to move and add dimensions to sketch as well. These dimensions create the base of our parameters. When you right-click the part and go to parameters, and select the part in the parameter tree, you will now see that the dimensions you added appear in the list. Go ahead and create some new parameters on the part level in the table and give them names that express what dimensions they represent, i.e., width, length. Ensure that you select the proper type of value type based on your needs. We can then assign the dimensions on our part to the parameters we created. You do this by changing the expression of the dimension to match the name of the parameter. Your parts are now parameterized. If you decide to change the value of a parameter, the dimensions on your parts will change automatically as well.


There are special cases where you will need to change something like the height on an extrusion or another feature that doesn't appear in a cross-section. In these cases, you can type in a custom parameter name into the feature option itself, and IronCAD will automatically create a parameter in the parameter table. Be sure to create a part level parameter in the table to link this new parameter to, because it does not appear in the design variations by default.


Design variations can be created by going to the Add-ins tab and selecting the new Design Variation. Once created, you select the edit Design Variation button. From here, you can add a new design variation. You can then edit the Design Values of your existing parameters to match your specifications. You can then generate a picture of the photo to use for reference and create any additional designs you need. When finished, press OK and then right-click the part you designed, you can see at the bottom, that you can switch your design variation or edit existing ones from the popup menu.


For a more visual aide, take a look at the step by step video we created with easy to follow instructions. If you have mastered the basics of parameters and are looking for more advanced material, be sure to check out our helpful articles listed below:






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