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A Present from Tom


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How about this new motorcycle. It could be yours for 45,000 EUros.

I have access to two of them.




Dallas, NICE!

I very first motorcycle ever built. I didn't know their was more than one smile.gif

How does 45,000 euros translate into IronCAD licenses biggrin.gif

Are these your personal bikes? How did you get them?


BTW, I had a cousin in germany that was building exact replicas (1:8 scale) of the Mercedes SL100 (I think) race car. He built only 6 of them in 4 years before he had to give up. They were really nice. He used the same materials as the real car and I think he sold them for $150,000 US dollars each, but not enough to cover the costs to machine them. I have a shock absorber from the models I have on my keychain, that alone took about a week to make one. Sorry, got off on a tangent here...again.



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