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3d Curve


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Is there someone around who can program following features, I will pay for that:


1. Merge 3d Curve, … and faces.

2. Edit position of start and endpoint of closed 3d curve.

3. Cleaning the bug which lets me not create a 3d curve from several edges.

4. Magnetic 3d curve for faces or edges

5. Unfolding faces (thickness =0 )


Is someone able to do that?

IC development is still sleeping! mad.gif


Or does somebody know a way to create 4 faces (which I may unfold later in Rhino) from this shape?

PS The “sweep, two guides” surface is unfoldable.







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1. More of a IC operation that would need to be developed. You can do it today by selecting all the 3D Curves at the Face level and select create new 3D Curve. It will create a single curve from all the selected curves. Merge Faces into a single surface is available..correct?


2. Available in PU1


3. Appears to be Kernel Related. Some have been addressed in PU1, but still requesting fixes from the kernel developers.


4. Not sure that would be possible through the API. The issue with this is UI. It can only work on a single surface/Face or smooth connected faces (How could it work on multiple faces that are not smooth connected). The UI issue is how to determine which faces ar valid and limit the 3D Curve from placing points on non-valid faces.


5. We looked into this to see if the kernels can support it. I need to ask where it stands. If the kernels don't support it, it becomes a tool that is very limited (Even the Rhino one is very limited).



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Thanks Cary

1. What do you mean with your first sentence? Is it a question of the Kernel?


3d Curve: I was not able to reproduce that. A 3d curve has no face if I try that the curve will deselect or the selection filter will jump to "Any" which seems logical to me.

Face: Yes I know still the borders of the original faces will remain! See and try sample.

So its one face object but in fact it is still splitted in two faces (face level), same with the 3d curves or edges.

So here is no way; we need the merge 3d curve / and a real merge face urgently.


2. This is very good to know smile.gif as it has maximum importance to me. cause it is the only way to create a "two guided sweep surfaces" from 2 closed 3d curves (= definition for unfolding).

(of coarse often IC makes Start and Endpoint where this works but in complicate shapes it will not!)


4. Of coarse magnetic 3d curve would only work on single surface or smooth connected faces. I would be absolutely happy with this limitation.

I will make an example on the ER site.


5. Yes there are also some limitation in Rhino unfolding (they hate me too) rolleyes.gif

many thanks



Edited by cborer
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1. Ok I found the thing you told me.

Still the problem remains. I get a curve around the face which is nice, and I am able to delete parts of the curve. But at the end I would need to merge two parts of the curve that are connected tangentialy.

Still need to merge 3d curve.

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Thanks Cary


Still I think for a closed 3d curve this is just orientation!

I would like to:

"Set Start/Endpoint of closed 3d curve" and pick on any point of the closed curve.


The option obove is the same we have at the ruled surface tool already.


Am I Wrong?


Of coarse I do not need that when I am able to cut and merge 3d curve in the edit room!


And: is there a chance to get the "merge 3d curve" in Sp 1?


....for that I would give you some more time! wink.gif




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I can only second Carlo's vote. Merging (and splitting) of 3D curves is essential in many situations. The existing workarounds are often cumbersome and too limited functionally to be useful. Given that IC's advanced surface modelling capabilities rely almost entirely on 3D curves, these simple functions are absolutely essential to get the job done.



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