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Rick Dorrington

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While offering some help to one of our users recently I noticed an odd thing. When I closed the file to enable the user to go back to where he was , the file closed without a save prompt. Sure enough on re-opening the file the changes I had made were still there. Naturally I assumed that there was an autosave feature enabled but we have searched high and low and cannot find such a feature anywhere. Is there autosave in Ironcad? If not, why would this users system be behaving in this manner?


Rick Dorrington

aero-safe technologies inc.

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Rick, I asked our developers about this and recieved the following response.


There are several scenarios possible here


1. If he did everything he did in one session (close and open), it means that this scene was perhaps linked into another scene or drawing (that was also open).Thus when he closed it, he didn't really close it - it just went into hiding (the window got hidden). But when he "reopened" the scene again, it has all the changes intact since the file never really got unloaded!


2. If he did the close and open in separate sessions, it means that soon after closing the scene he must have closed/saved a linking scene or drawing. The linking scene should have prompted to save the linked scene. But the drawing will silently save the linked scene. Thus he never got prompted. Next time he opened the scene, of course all his changes were there.


If the situation doesn't fall in the above categories, then I am puzzled too...



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Thanks Chris.


I went back to check again to see if I had missed something. I created a scene and tried to quit without saving and was prompted to save. I then checked the file that this strangeness occurred with and was also prompted to save. Baffling. The user informs me that his computer had been acting up so he shutdown/restarted this morning and now everything seems to be working just fine.





Rick Dorrington

aero-safe technologies inc.

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