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Placing Links into catalogs

Guest gsteward

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Guest gsteward

I have been playing around with some success with placing links into catalogs. I figured I would post how I am creating them to see if anyone runs into any issues by doing this. I am currently only doing this for testing with my company. Instructions are for IC5.2. Sorry wrote this up really quick, so no screen shots. Also i wrote the instructions for outside TV, but this also works very well for items that are stored in TV.


1. Create a central location to store the location of you parts.

2. Create a scene and place a part or assembly into it.

3. Save (but do not close) the scene to the location you have created.

4. Now open a new catalog.

5. Select the part or assembly from the scene and place it into the catalog.

6. Close the scene.

7. Double Left mouse click on the item that you just placed in the catalog so that it open for edit.

8. Select the part or assembly and delete them (do not close the catalog).

9. Goto the File pulldown menu and select Insert>Part/Assembly.

10. Browse to the location you saved the scene with the part/assembly.

11. Select the scene.

12. Check the Insert as Link box and Press OK.

13. Save and Close the catalog.


Now every time you insert that object from the catalog, it will come in as a link to the part. Outside TV, if you set the scene to "Read Only" before you link it into the catalog, the links will be inserted as read only and cannot be modified unless you go back and remove the "read only" attribute from the parent scene. TV gives you the ability to modify any link from any scene even if it's read only by checking the link out and then back in.


Note: If you insert a linked part/assembly into the scene and drag it into a catalog, it will remove the link from the object.





Greg Steward

CAD Systems Specialist

Fleetwood Ent - RVPD

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Neat! Neat! NEAT!


Finally, we can place linked parts from catalogs. Thanks.

BTW, you can cut the procedure short. You can take any catalog entry (or great one by copy&past or dragging any part/assembly from a scene into a catalog), go into edit mode and either save the part/assembly with the link option active or delete the existing part/assembly and insert another one, again with the link option active.

Anyway, the idea is great.





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