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Posts posted by RCERVA

  1. Hi.  Hope you well.  I've made a electrical panel with Ironcad and using the mitre option.  When I send it to my laser cutter in unfold format all good.  But we want to split the tp and bottom section from the centre part.   Does not work so good.  So I've made new scene with centre piece and seperate parts for the top and bottom pieces.  When I put all together the front s not mitred as we want it.  Is there any way that when we put centre and top or bottom piece together the software can mitre the bits needed as per mitre command.

    600x400x300 panel.ics

  2. Hi.  Basically the 1st will be the 1 side with bottom.  The 2nd will be the other long side.  Then the 2 small sides will be added.  I've done it with the mitre tool so if you hide some portions and have bend notches you get weird results.

    Doing laser welding so butt or seam does not matter.  Just need to get the parts spilt into 4 parts retaining the mitre.

  3. Hi.  Basically the 1st will be the 1 side with bottom.  The 2nd will be the other long side.  Then the 2 small sides will be added.  I've done it with the mitre tool so if you hide some portions and have bend notches you get weird results.


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