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  1. Thanks Kevin. Falling back to just make the cut by a sketched shape makes perfect sense. If I have to do a lot of slots, I suppose I could make my own catalog shape.
  2. I'm working on a part that has slots. The drawing looks like: ( | | ) Where the | symbols are where the slot would end if it was perfectly flat, and the ()s are where it actually ends because of the realities of endmills. The drawing is dimensioned between the flat ends. I'd ideally like to drop the "Cut slot" part onto my solid and size it based on the flat ends, but it looks like by default it sizes based on the midpoints of the arcs. How can I accomplish sizing to the flats instead? I tried to use a smart dimension between the flats, but it must have been constrained already by the sizebox because it would not let me use that to drive the size.
  3. I just picked up the 30 day trial and wasn't able to find the toggle until I discovered this thread. All the documentation still points at the status bar! Ironcad team, if you update the UI like this, please make sure you update the documentation as well!
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