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Posts posted by HDEAR

  1. Hi all,

    Well this is weird indeed. I was re-modelling a sheet metal part from a unit I had designed 2018.

    I needed to add some fixing holes to a bend, and as a result need to extend that bend from 26mm to 32 mm.

    When examining that bend it has a 45degree mitre cut on it but that cut ( corner relief or cut extrude ) doesn't seem to appear anywhere on the scene tree. If I make the bend 32 mm, the mitre cut angle is wrong ( it needs to be 45 degrees )

    I can fix this  with an extrude cut ( messy ) but I can't for the life of me figure out how that 45 degree mitre got there on the bend in the first place.



    NOCMRO left side panel.ics

  2. I had this problem when I first downloaded IC2023.

    Without anything else open, I started a new empty scene, floated ( undocked ) all the docking windows ( scene, properties, search etc ) and then redocked them in the area I wanted and finally resized. Then I saved the UIC, closed IC down, shut my computer down, re-booted and it now works perfectly.

    I think I even made a post about it....:rolleyes:


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  3. Hi tgjang.

    There are several other users as well as myself who avoid out-bend and in-bend and just use smooth bends because of the problems you are coming across.

    The downside is when you increase material thickness and/or minimum inside bend radius, then your model changes its overall dimensions. The upside is that it keeps your maths skills up.



    • Haha 1
  4. Hi all,

    This annoying habit of CAXA changing scene layout has morphed differently in IC2023. In IC2022, the properties bar ( if docked to the right ) would undock when you'd been in CAXA, made changes and gone back into the scene.

    Now it changes the sizes of the properties and catalogues and diminishes the scene bar every time you go back and forth. This affects both my desktop and laptop,

    Is there a setting I need to change or have missed perhaps?


    ***FIXED*** - I had to completely undock the scene, properties, search and catalogue bars in the IC Scene, undock and redock dock the View Trees in CAXA and it seems to have settled down. If I didn't do all of those things, it misbehaved. I'm still a bit nervous about it though I must say.

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  5. Hi Joseph

    If you can afford to spend about 3/4 hr, you can get the STP file into an ICS in a simplified but accurate form.

    I used combination of extract surface, sheetmetal features, and for the rotational parts I sectioned the STP in half and traced the necessary profiles and used spin. 

    The model is now down to 2.2MB. Extraneous details like cooling fins are left out



  6. Hi Joseph,

    I have sent you an email. We use EBM and ZA fans a lot. I have dummied down a lot of their models into ICS, and sent you an example of the fan I used in the exercise above - it comes out at 1.5MB. 

    For one off projects though, use their STP and save it to ICS as I mentioned and it reduces between 30% to 50%.


  7. Hi Cary,

    I tried that ( your Tools/options/Parts -->Drop as facet off a catalogue on a Ziehl-Abegg fan ).

    The original STP file was 14.7 MB

    The ICS saved result ended up in a file 23.4Mb!! ( see result 3 below )

    If I imported with Import as structured part ticked on import options and just saved as is, result was number 1 below

    If I imported with Import as structured part UN ticked on import options and just saved as is, result was number 2 below




    So importing as structured part, then saving in ICS ended up about the same size as the original. Importing with structured part unticked, then saving in ICS reduced by 38%



  8. Hi all,

    First of all, hats off to Kevin for giving me the clues to sort an importing STP file problem out.

    Some of you may already know this but when you update IC ( say form 2022 to 2023 ), some of the import settings for STP and similar files may have changed from your previous ones.

    One setting that was ticked and completely threw us was found when going into the 'Menu-->Import options' shown below = "If multi body import it as structure part". Man, did that cause us some problems when ticked - various parts scattered all over the place!

    So just beware of that little gremlin. Once Kevin showed me his import settings, I changed ours to what you see below and this made all the difference between success and failure ( "If multi body import it as structure part" unticked ).

    Moral of the story - don't get ticked off by what's ticked on ( or off ) :rolleyes:


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