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Everything posted by HDEAR

  1. Thanks Kim. I missed selecting the feature first and 'lock' also . Thanks Cary, I'll look at that but in complex scenes I have found ICMECH slows things down a bit. Also, the distance that the tab is set in from the start ( or end ) does not show up in the parameter list using ICMECH.
  2. Hi all, I have a bend, on top of which I have a location tab. The tab is made from 'Add stock'. Because the bend profile itself cannot be edited with '2D sketch' the only way to position it is with a smart dimension, which is all well and good unless you want to drive the design of the part using parameters, which is what I want to do. I have given the tab its H and W parameters, but I would like to have a parameter for positioning as well ( the 36mm in the pic ). What's the best method of applying that positioning dimension as a parameter? I have tried 'Assembly/Positioning Constraints but cannot select the target entity face ( edge of the bend or sheet ) even though I can select the source entity ( face of the sheet metal tab ). Similarly, how would you make a parameter for positioning the matching slot ( on a bend on another part )? Positioning tab.mp4
  3. Hi all, Weird question I know, but is it possible to have the closed type bend relief values show in the parameter table? In this example below, Top=1.5mm, Bottom = 1.5mm. At present it doesn't seem possible. Many thanks, Harley
  4. Well done on your 'Rocket Sprocket' Kim. Do you think it would be worthwhile making a training video for this with just the vital steps? Harley
  5. Hi Spencer. Kevin thinks it has something to do with the sheet being mirrored. How this came about ( being mirrored ) I do not know, but this particular part shape has been used in various assemblies and it has grown a little like GrandMa's axe. Now I have the Mirrored parts filter on in the scene tree, I can keep an eye out for it. Harley
  6. Hi all, attached Incorrect fold directions on saved part.mp4 The video is self explanatory. I have a scene with various s/m panels. I noticed one of the panel I had 'saved as a part' has the bend direction incorrect on the saved part compared to that in the scene. The panel featured mitred bends and can't be fixed by simply reversing the bend direction. The files have been sent to Kevin and Cary to see what they can glean. I wondered if anyone else had struck this problem. ****UPDATE*** Kevin pointed out the part in the scene was mirrored, so now looking at what caused this and if there's a work-around. Harley
  7. Thanks everyone. Using ICMECH PROActive to manage BOMS is a bit like using an AK47 to go possum shooting - well it is for me anyhow. You can be precise but if you hold your finger on the trigger too long or point it in the wrong direction, you can do an awful lot more damage
  8. Huh! Solved this myself - see video. Hi all, Sometimes I need to pre-determine the label naming of a section in CAXA CAXA automatically selects the next letter sequence and sometimes that's not relevant, especially if I have decided to delete a section I do not want. Is there a way when doing the section view I can tell CAXA " I want the label to be B" for example instead of it auto selecting D? Harley CAXA - Manual section lables.mp4
  9. Hi Malcolm, I agree but for a couple of these old scenes for which the previous CAXA drawings are no longer required, it won't pose a problem and there are no external links to the parts. Thanks for that link though. That was helpful.
  10. Hi all, Totally weird I know, but is there a way to NOT include all parts in scene with just one or two simple key strokes? I have a scene with several hundred parts that was drawn some years ago. Everything was ticked as 'Include in BOM' There are fastenings and all sorts of bits and piece that simply should not be part of the BOM when I go to do the CAXA drawing. I don't have the time to go through each part and untick the 'Include in BOM', but then again I don't have the time to go through the BOM itself when I do the CAXA drawing to untick all the superfluous bits there. So I am hoping for some magic fix where I can disable ( untick ) the 'Include in BOM ' for everything and just go through the parts ( about 25 out of the 250 odd ) that I'd like included in the BOM. I have ICMECH PROActive if that would be quicker, but again - how would I go about that? Many thanks in anticipation, Harley
  11. That's handy for my 3D printer - nice missile! Thanks
  12. Hi all, How does one disable the PICS that show in PROActiv'es export to excel? Whilst they're quite natty and may have their uses, for what I need they are superfluous and just make gigantic file sizes
  13. After a couple of frustrating moments of having no bend lines and annotations show up on a CAXA drawing unfold and hearing from Malcolm as well about a problem regarding centre lines not showing up, there's a simple fix that some people may not know. This is caused by the ICS model not being perfectly lined up in the scene. Even just .01 degrees out in one plane, once the unfold takes place the bend lines and annotations will not appear. Similarly as Malcolm related to me, even centre lines won't show up if the model is out of line in the scene. So if you experience this problem, then check your scene for the part alignment and your unfold for the same. Setting front view definition also helps. Harley
  14. Hi all, I braved doing a partial section in CAXA tonight. I sort of got the end result as to what I wanted but the guidance lines ( blue ) look a bit wonky. Wat's the secret of how to get this looking right? Harley
  15. Thanks Kevin. Clicking on the scene first was what I wasn't doing. I don't get your fancy formatting in Excel though - I get this message. What is 'TMIC.ASIA' ?
  16. I decided to try out ICMech pro-active manager. How do I export the BOM to Excel? Here's what the on line instructions say; Here's what my screen looks like but I can't see any options for exporting like the in-line instruction says
  17. This is more elusive. These are the settings in both CAXA options and 3D interface. I'll email you template. EXB and ICS. Put it on the meter
  18. Hi all, This problem is really annoying and happening on both my desktop and laptop. This has happened since loading latest patch. Further, there's always been a problem when going from CAXA back to scene that it screws around with the browsers. I have brought this up several times before. I was hoping this would get fixed. Now it seems much worse! Harley CAXA - Causing porperties and scene browser in scene to shrink.mp4
  19. Hi tgjang, Malcolm has made quite a few videos which I am sure will help you. Not only instructional ones from scratch, but also in answer to people's requests when they have come cross problems. Do a search on his posts. It's the starting off of structured parts that needs to be done right. Here's a reference for you to start with;
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