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  1. And thanks again, Mike, I'll stop browsing menus and pulling my hair out looking for this one now, and just mosey on over to the enhancement requests forum. Pdf's are nicely portable and all, but I don't want to have to redo that everytime I make an edit. Not to mention setting printer settings and all that.
  2. Thanks Mike, That is a great tip for getting good iso views in the scene. I could swear that my from scene views were altered when orbiting the camera and then updating, but it wasn't my drawing (was showing a student how to do multiple parts); I'll have to give it another whirl.
  3. With no innovation going on we wouldn't have a product like IronCAD, so I'd never vote for 100% customer driven. It's your product and of course you want to continue to innovate. (BTW what's with the Inovate product, IronCAD w/o 2D?) That being said, in my limited group of colleagues (3-5 engineers doing part time drafting/design and several students at any given time) the consensus is that IronCAD is a wonderful easy to use product, except for the damn bugs. Seems a week doesn't go by where the conversation doesn't drift to "why the he!! does(n't) it do that" or "it didn't do that last week!" Therefore I say 80% customer driven and 20% innovation (or 75/25) sound about right, at least for now.
  4. Can I print multiple sheets at once? Seems like a no brainer, but can't seem to find any way to do it; or any thing talking about the topic at all, either in documentation or the forum. Co-workers seem to be as clueless as me.
  5. In order to make drawings with several parts on a sheet, I end up using the general view creation tool A LOT!. (Of course I have to create a view showing only that part of the assembly first) I use the standard view buttons when I can, but often times I want a certain orientation I can't achieve with those tools. Sure, I could go back to my isolated view (my term for a view with all but one part suppressed) and flip the piece around so that the starndard views provide what I want, but that would be even more work (lots of little pieces). Instead, I tend to crank the increment to 90 and just flip the piece around until I get what I want. I don't like using the "from scene" option because it tends to get upset if I look at the part again and then update the drawing. Co-workers have run into that problem as well. My main problem is I get sick of typing 90 over the default 5 degree increment all the time. Is there somewhere I can adjust the default? Other work arounds anyone? Also, wouldn't it be nice if you could rotate the view direction in the view creation windows just like the scene? i.e. middle click and drag or view perp to face? The programmer in me says that would be almost impossible, but the engineer says everything that hasn't been done yet is almost impossible, and thats not a reason not to try it anyhow!
  6. Mike, I'm not so sure this will help, but since you've got no other reply... If you're running IC 7 w/ PU1, you can treat the BOM as a shape, wich gives you access to the shape menu at the top of the screen. This hasn't solved the problem with text being cut off (scaling is still wrong) but if you snap the BOM into a corner or whatever, then "send to back" it may get rid of the double line. I had the double line problem before switching over to IC7PU1, at which point I had the slightly less annoying problem of the BOM line covering the thicker template line, leaving a thin border on my drawing where the BOM intersected it. This was solved by "send to back" function.
  7. Thanks, Thats a good tip! Its probably in the documentations somewheres...
  8. OK, so I can create the views first. I wish I knew that before I set up these drawings! How do I go about moving the views between sheets?
  9. Yes and No, After some further tinkering I've decided this is a bug. At first I had no callouts on either sheet. I was trying to add them to the second page, with no success. I deleted and redid the views on both sheets and now I have the callouts appearing on the first sheet. When I try to hide them (either the whole view or individually) they will not go away. And I still can't add them to the second sheet.
  10. Sure did. And I don't have anything in hidden layers on this drawing (except the default annotation layer which I just checked). Strange thing is, the callouts will appear on the first sheet, but not necessarily in the right places. They seem to be referring to the "default" configuration positions, even though that is not the configuration in the view. But they won't appear on the second sheet. Well, I'll probably call the IC guys tomorrow on this one... or I'll just go back to inserting user text, that has been my standby thus far.
  11. Hello Again, I can't seem to get my thread callouts to appear in sheets after the initial sheet. Here's my situation. Sheet 1 contains a standard view with many parts and no details (no threads or callouts). Sheet two contains general views used to detail the parts from sheet one. The general views for parts reference configurations of the assembly which have all of the other parts suppressed. Cosmetic threads can be displayed or suppressed with the R-click hide all/show all option, but thread callouts just won't come up.
  12. Great tip!! Now what about unlocking them if I make a mistake? It seems I can override the alignment locks by adding conflicting ones, but not delete them entirely. Is that where the reattach default option comes in or what?
  13. HI, I'm wondering if there is some way to get the drawings set up for multiple parts on a single sheet. I know I can use the general views tool, but they do not stay in the right positions relative to one another. This maybe an old fashion way of doing drawings, but it's how my machine shop likes things. If a big assembly is made of tons of simple little parts, they certainly don't want an additional sheet for working drawings of each of the parts, rather a single sheet with lots of parts on it. I should add the disclaimer that I'm fairly new to IC and may be missing something here. Chris Turk USDA Forest Service Forest Products Lab
  14. Yeah, it seems odd when coming from another CAD system. However, it is quite intuitive once you get used to it (provided they are working right). Also - they only work appropriately if you have exactly the right view (use that finger view selector thingy).
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