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  1. Hi Tom, I downloaded the file from Filterforge: http://www.filterforge.com/filters/1658.html Scroll down the page and click on the bump map in the new window, save the image. Regards, Jonas A
  2. Hi, Here's a test with bump mapped water. Simple setup, the water is a flat surface with a bumpmap and IOR of 1.3. The light in the scene is hdri and a spotlight. There´s a slight (maybe too slight) bumpmap for the grout between the pool tiles. Jonas A
  3. Hi Tom, I'll be happy to post a scene once the final version is out, but my beta version scenes are a bit buggy for some reason, so I'll explain this one with images instead. It's quite simple actually, the secret is in the fresnel value on the reflection tab, but first I'll show the finish tab. As you can see, the highlight intensity and highlight spread are down to zero. Here's the reflection tab. Reflection is 100, while the fresnel value is 0.4. The image below was created in a default scene (no GI or anything fancy) with a white background. The object to the left has a fresnel value of 0.4, the one in the middle has 0.8 and the one on the right has 1.0. If you ask me, I'd go for the one in the middle Having said all this, I'll have to admit that this is no real carpaint, but it is as close as I've gotten in IronCAD. You would have to use a shader with mulitlayered colors to achieve a true carpaint. Maybe it's possible to achieve that, but I haven´t figured it out. Cary? Regards, Jonas A
  4. Hi Tom, The easiest way for me to look for a solution would be if you could post an example as .ics. If the information is sensitive maybe you could change the part in the scene. The solution could be to tweak both the lighting and the material. Jonas
  5. Hi, Here's another experiment. Emission light source. The object in the middle is generating light. Jonas A
  6. Thanks Tom, I didn't know the gels where that old... Still I think they look nice together with the volumetric lights Jonas A
  7. Hi, I really like the new render engine for v10. I have tested some of the new features and wanted to share a few experiments. Volumetric light allows you to see the beam of light from a spotlight. Gels are bitmaps that can be applied as filters to lights. You can also add a glow effect to a lightsource. Regards, Jonas A
  8. Hi Alfredo, One key setting for speeding up rendering time is to activate irradiance cache in the advanced render settings. Regards, Jonas A
  9. Hi, I agree that it would be great to have an integration with renderers like Vray etc. Actually, the new Yafray-based render engine for IronCAD 10 is integrated more or less like a plugin, and this is done in order to allow for the possibility to one day add other renderers as plugins. But let's look at what the new renderer already has to offer. There's no denying that the image you showed as an example, made by Thomas Suurland in Vray is excellent. The new IronCAD renderer (in the hands of a master like Suurland) can however get very close to this result. It supports HDR images and radiosity (and a lot more). I have added a sample from the Yafray gallery, and while one may argue that the Beetle is a sharper image etc, it definitely shows that the new renderer has great potential. Regards, Jonas A
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