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Per-Arne Almeflo

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Everything posted by Per-Arne Almeflo

  1. http://www.web2cad.co.uk/ http://www.cadregister.com/ http://www.solidcomponents.se/default.asp?...LanguageCode=44
  2. There are many catalogs out there with step-, parasolid- or acis-files that all import nicely into IronCAD. Do you need ANSI or ISO parts?
  3. We have IronCAD scenes and drawings to a total size of 339MB. Our internal memory is currently 1GB. This does not seem to be quite enough, since we get out of memory warnings and really sluggish performance on the largest assemblies. Questions to the IronCAD developers: 1. How many times do the size of scene and drawing files expand when handled by IronCAD 7.0? 2. Is there a limit in IronCAD 7.0 itself as to how many parts or how many MB of scenes it can handle.
  4. The gaming cards are getting better OpenGL performance every day. What's the word of today: What gives the best performance with IronCAD 7.0, a Nvidia gaming card for $500 or a Quadro card for $500? Before, the performance with many windows open has been limited with gaming cards compared to the quadro drivers. But IronCAD does not have the same workflow as eg Solid Works that requires a lot of windows open when bringing parts together, so...
  5. Do you have any good/bad experiences with AMD 64 processors?
  6. I would like for IronCAD to manage mechanisms in a meaningful way, even if that would include some constraining...
  7. At least earlier, A-desk Inventor had a size limitation for how many parts it could handle in an assembly. Pro/e states they have no such limitation, only the memory handling capability sets the limit. How about IronCad, are there any limitations here, apart from what limits 32 bits have? I have seen no big performance leaps in the 64 bits in tests conducted by computer magazines yet, which seems very strange. You haven't forgot when you replaced your 16 bit 386 computers with the 32 bit 486 machines now have you? Maybe no one has got the hands on real 64 bit software yet. We'll see. Also, there seems to be a problem to find a motherboard for the AMD 64 at this time, that can take more than 4 Gb memory and has an AGP graphics port.
  8. This is the ptc faq on 64 bits: http://www.ptc.com/products/proe/64bit_faq.htm Some of the info may be applicable generally.
  9. Sorry you must have printed your message at the same time as I did. I would expect an IronCad 64 bit upgrade offer though.
  10. Peleease! Imagine I would stroll into my bosses office and mention I fance the sexy new Steve Jobs job for the latest IronCad version. Then I'll have to explain that we need new office software too. Also I have to tell him we need a new system consultant for the operating system. Finally I must mention that this expensive box will be useless, because of compatibility matters, further down the company computer food chain in a couple of years. And last but not least: Do you think I'll ever wanna risk answering questions like: "WHY doesn't this apple-core YOU brought here perform exactly like YOU promised me?" Well, not in a million years!
  11. This is what Microsoft says regarding the Windows XP 64-Bit Edition: "64-bit native applications can deliver more data per clock cycle, making them run faster and more efficiently." and: "Windows XP 64-Bit Edition will currently support up to 16 GB of RAM and 16 TB of virtual memory, enabling applications to run faster when working with large data sets. Applications can preload substantially more data into virtual memory, allowing rapid access by the 64-bit processor." The AMD 64 is not very expensive and Windows XP 64 is compatible with standard office software and what have you, nothing to hesitate about really. There should be a big GO for the 64 bit IronCad. Large assemblies need every performance advantage you can get and then some!
  12. No Eeuropean would missunderstand the comment by Floris. Even though I doubt he really is that very sorry... Yes, it's football (soccer). The European Championship is played these weeks. Nothing else on the old telly...
  13. With 4.10 and 4.12 drivers you can assign any key on the keybord when you choose "keystroke". After choosing "keystroke", you get the possibility to choose the button assignment by pressing the appropriate key, which may well be F10.
  14. Another thing worth considering, if the mouse does not seem to feel quite well, is to use the USB-PS2 mouse port adaptor. This is what MS recommends too. I saw, when my old mouse was putting out error signals, that the USB connection was more sensitive, and locked and freezed the computer more and longer than when using the PS2 mouse port.
  15. Driver ver 4.10 and 4.12 have the key assignment function and seem to work with Win 2000 and XP on the original Intellimouse.
  16. Hi y'all, My old Intellimouse gave up and I bought a new Tilt Wheel Intellimouse. This needs the latest 5.0 drivers to work. The old drivers could assign keybord keys to the two extra mouse buttons, F10 and space bar are especially handy for IronCAD when tossing the Triball around. The new driver, however, has not this possibility as far as I can see. Further the scroll wheel is extremely hard to click as a mid button because of a very stiff spring and also because when it tilts the slightest, the mid button function is lost. Further still, the right and left buttons are much too ligth to click, so the fingers can not rest lightly on them, but must be kept up which causes strain and pain in the forarm in no time. And there is more, the moving sensor is placed below the center of the mouse. This means that when I move the wrist left, the bottom of the mouse may move slightly to the right and the movement feedback is not intuitive at all. Bottom line: Not recommended.
  17. If you need to analyze moving mechanisms or are planning really large machines with thousands of parts in the assemblies, you better look elsewhere. Otherwise IronCAD is the way to go.
  18. id=quote> There seems to be something missing in that file, or with all support information I have seen so far regarding this, so the view function is not readily obtained. The easiest way is to install IronCAD as a 30 day demo on the computer in need of the viewer, and when the time limit is passed, the view function (right click view and PDF creation) is still active. Somehow the IronCAD install puts all those dll's and stuff in their proper places, where the IC52shell does not.
  19. Before the 6.0 was out, we were told that parallell development was carried out for better drawing facilities among other things, and that the next release (6.1 or 6.2 or something), would be out in very short time. Then we got the message that there will not be a follow up release soon enough, but the 7.0 will be out during winter. Now the scedule with beta testing in may and follow up debugging before CD manufacturing suggest we will not see anything before mid summer.
  20. id=quote> Have you any record of usable/unusable computers/motherboards with this setting? Are e.g. Intel motherboards ok?
  21. Will IC 7.0 solve these large assembly issues or should we look elsewhere?
  22. id=quote> If you suggest 3GB memory for 400 parts what do you suggest for designs with 4000 parts?
  23. Has he ever considered a spaceball or does he favour the regular mouse?
  24. id=quote> Cary, I trust you have got drawings to benchmark now. The performance issue with large drawings is our main concern with IronCAD, and we cannot wait for half a year or more, just to find a small improvement. How large performance improvement can we expect, 10-100% or more than 100%?
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