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Everything posted by mmccall

  1. Yeah.. like I was saying.. my version needs a little more work... you can adjust the tangencys at the end of the 3dcurves when doing the mesh to make those sides come together without the edges being too sharp... then .. mirror to get a lower half... you can also do the normal surface to surface rounds and whatever once it is solid (or even still as a surface).. too smooth things up..
  2. It should go closed... is the arrow direction pointed to the inside of the mass? click till blue.. you should see the arrow that is made when making surfaces.. you can right click and reverse direction if it is pointing the wrong way...
  3. I was sure that at one time if you clicked on the detail view letter...(the letter label in the circle) and pulled it ... a leader would string from the letter to the cut circle... Meaning... the size of my cut circle region is small.. and I want to move the letter off to the side ... Is there a way to do this?... Things are crowded... I just want to clean things up some...
  4. OOOHH YEAH... anybody remember back in 5.2 etc when we had the "Deform Faces" function !!!! that would work here!!... especially if when you activated the tool it placed a grid over the surface you want to deform and you pull at different points.. Looks like we need that tool back !!! To make river rocks if nothing else !!!
  5. I would guess just depends on how hard you want to make things... Surely you could use lofted shapes... take the L3 circles for instance... change the sections to splines so you can make some really realistic "blobby" shapes... ... and go from there... 3D curves and loft between the sections... Easy enough... put a little time into one and all the others will be copy and modify... and look really good.. Here is one out of 3D... with a surface loft... has alot to be desired... rounded edges... etc.. but just a quick run... RIVER_ROCK.ics
  6. Anyone notice how slow the "standard view creation" dialog (and the other dialogs)seems to come up in comparison to previous releases? Is there something that should be changed in my setup?... everything else seems to work at the same speed... just when I go to insert views... seems really slow...
  7. Catia imports and exports seem to work well.. I have also used the Catia formats with alot of sucess when going across Wildfire to IC and back...
  8. I asked about trimming etc.. in the 3D curves some time ago... We really need to have all or at least more of the logical 2d line tools available for creating 3d curves.. HURRY UP !!!
  9. Click on the datum plane near the edge.. The plane will turn yellow.. You will see the corners turn to a red button... Drag the button to re-size the datum plane...
  10. Yes... in the end.. to each their own... I am currently working on a project with a whole host of other people on Pro/E Wildfire with very large assemblies... I mean... don't even try to pull up the full assembly or your computer will crash!!...simplified reps only... (the IC equivalent of simplified reps would be "configurations") ...those size assemblies with a GOV agency... We are having to work with simplified reps and a very well thought out skeleton (system of datum planes that define EVERYTHING) that drives parametrically with references...all that ... the entire assembly to make changes... In this instance... it's almost the only way to go with Pro/E since with the size of the assembly and the amount of time it would take to modify each part... a real headache.. Other than having to boot all machines on a 3gig switch... I would dare to say that if IC could handle an assembly of that size... (I am not a computer wiz.. I just use the program so I have no way of really knowing if IC could take an assembly that size)... the speed at which changes could be made and the care free nature of the program... freedom to change anything anywhere along the design process.. IC could do the same job.. faster... easier and without some power user needed to make such a massive change. Now... thats on the topic of large assemblies... With conceptual design... rapid changes... freedom of thought where references and design structure are really more of a hinderance rather than an asset...SPEED... IC can't be touched!! But to each their own... it is a matter of what you need and I just feel that throughout all the industries I have been in...IC is more than capable... and for some reason in the past IC has been labled unjustly as a TOY cad system... I have given massive amounts of criticism of IC in past threads... yes.. to help the company improve what I feel has become a major contender in the CAD product arena... I feel it has more than surpassed my initial expectations when I was screening IC back in version 2.0.... I called it "ANIME CAD"... the black lines made it look soo much like anime... too funny... But hey... here we are at 7.0... the things I do with the system kick butt... and my clients at the DOE are really taking notice to the programs abilities... and IC makes me look really good... !!! ... I can kick out alot of concepts really fast... to their admittance... much faster than anyone possibly could on Pro/E.. any version... and there are some REALLY good Pro/E users there... some of the best I have ever met... Thanks IC.... MDTG
  11. Well.. I am self taught on Pro/E... but the learning curve is much longer than on IC... But you are correct... I constantly get into battle with Pro/E people and show them time and time again... IC vs Pro/E and now Pro/E Wild Fire... IC is just better... hands down... I challenge them on stuff I did in the past... they can look at how the model was made... I can explain it to them... they just really have a hard time thinking of where to begin... "References?"... What the HELL for is my response... JUST DO IT.... start anywhere... Freaks them out... and pisses them off... They throw down the mouse... "It can't be that easy and work worth a DAMN !!!" In IC... control what you want, where you want , when you want to... you are never painted into a corner!!... Hell... you can get painted in a corner on Pro/E EARLY in the design.. and if you didn't catch it!... 100 features later... YOU ARE SCREWED !!!... start over BABY !!! or be "re-defining" "references" for the rest of your life... Those of US the so called "power" Pro/E users know that ... for time sake,.. export the file as a step... re-import as the base feature and do some surface modeling, cuts etc to get it to work... but in the future, be prepared to do a re-model so the rest of the Pro/E community can work with your file.. OH yeah.. its not as simple as IC... cut and paste... !! Just think of having a model potentially crash just because you want to suppress a feature?... that whole thing about references and parent child relationships... OH yeah !! did I mention top down assemblies ?... what if you get a circular reference going on and you do a change.. there are several schools of thought... but in any case, you have to run a feature info report and find where you may have set external references to other geometry or parts... KEVIN... at the next IC meeting... just call... I would be more than happy to do a talk on this... Surely there are others in the IC community that know just as much about this stuff.. and we could all go on and on... Versatility where you need it?.. Pro/E can be made to do it... its just a matter of how much time you have and you had better have the skills to pull it off or you are in real trouble... With IC.. there are alot of things that can't be done that Pro/E can do... but from my experience in every industry from Military to high production commercial products... you just don't need all that complexity to do the job... With IC.. find yourself in a corner?... blow away all the features and just keep on KICKING !!!... The beautiful thing about it is that EVERYONE in the IC community knows how to do it... THATS WHAT MAKES IRONCAD THE BEST !!!!
  12. This is exactly the sort of stuff I was getting at... http://www.ironcad.com/support/community/index.php?showtopic=678 I say we need it.
  13. And be sure to double check your dimensions and scale when you bring the component into the next program.... on occasion I have found some models scaled up or down or the dimension units changing from english to metric.
  14. IC... I am always working with different file formats... so please... don't neglect the export options even though you may not hear us talk much about them. I have been working with a file trying to get it into Wildfire for some time... trying all the mainstream iges and step exports... acis... etc.. Surprisingly enough...in a last ditch effort of insanity.. laughing histerically saying "yeah I bet !" ... I took a chance on a CATIA export of all things... DUDE ... it worked perfectly... there is nothing else that I have to do to the part !! So... the moral of the story... try every export option... no matter how strange. IC...keep those export options updated !!!
  15. Looks like we need the ability to apply smart dims to blended edges. That would solve the problem. Another way would be to apply a smart dim to a cut that has the blend edge in it.... that may work... at least up to some point.... but thats getting to be a real patch job.
  16. Sorry about that... I got the holes in the sheetmetal. Then dropped holes in the plate. Select the hole in the plate until yellow and place both a horizontal and vertical smart dim from the center of the hole in the plate to the center of the hole in the sheetmetal. Edit both smart dins to zero and lock. Now whenever you move a sheet metal... the hole in the plate will follow. Hope this is what you were looking for. tomlen.ics tomlen.ics tomlen.ics
  17. I was able to do it using smart dimensions... Lock the dimensions to 0 and when you move things around it moves and resizes... Yeah.. 3d projected associated edges won't work on sheetmetal.
  18. The tooltbl.txt file is nothing to be scared of .. Just make a copy so you can get everything back if you mess up. You can make the labels for the sheetmetal say whatever you want , so I guess you could simply say 4.5mm and 6mm thick stock on those line items... then everywhere else in the table just do english conversions. The instructions at the top of the txt file lay it all out... I have made alot of changes and everything is still working fine.. I always have my backup file. JUST DO IT !... Hows that for a safe answer?
  19. You can make a skeleton rep of any components that way you dont always have to turn on or use transparencies to see the interfacing of parts in large assemblies. To make a "Skeleton Rep."... 1) select "faces by auto-feature" in the pull down 2) select the part... all edges will turn green 3) right click and select "create 3d curve" 4) suppress the part. Now you have a 3 skeleton wire frame that you can actually snap to, etc.
  20. Yeah... attractive uuuhhhh ... ladies... too! (can I say that in this forum?)
  21. I have embossing features in a sheetmetal part that has a cut that needs to go all the way through. A solid cut works fine. The sheetmetal cut tools only allow it to go through the depth of the sheetmetal thickness. Is there any way to change this? I would like to use sheetmetal cutting tools since they seem to work and function properly by staying perpendicular to the sheet surfaces.
  22. Now to get it for a HP 48 GX !!! DOT MATRIX BABY !!!... HELL YEAH !!!
  23. Is there a setting or something that will default to fit the drawing sheet to the screen when going to different sheet? I have sheet 1 as a D size and several of the following prints are A sized text documents... When changing between sheet, I have to re-fit the screen every time...
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