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indentation on sheet metal part


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Attached part in not made in IC thou’ and trying to make similar part in IC.


Is there a way to create indentation on sheet metal part created in IC? These indentations are used to insert the tabs of other sheet metal part in the rectangle hole and then bend the tabs to secure.


Thanks for any suggestion/idea, in advance.




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You can also make any custom shape "punch" you like as a solid part, place it on the cylinder where it needs to be, and then use the "Cut Sheet Metal Part" command to make a hole in the part that is the same shape as the solid punch shape you made.


You do this by:

1) Selecting the cylinder at the Part Level (blue outline)

2) Hold the Shift key down and then Left Mouse Button pick the custom punch shape

3) Hit the "Cut Sheet Metal Part" command, and the cylinder will now have the custom punch shape removed from it. You'll have to hide or suppress the shape to see it, but the cut will be there.


I can't imagine a more precise way to put the shape you want on a cylinder, and then get a good flat pattern.

That being said, it would be real nice to be able to put cuts, or bend lines, into a flat piece, and then fold or roll it up after.




I think this from Mike at a different discussions will give the flow to work with but you have to create that dent profile/shape and set its operation not as hole but as a dent punch when you drop it to the sheetmtl catalog to function the way you like it.


I can't exactly recall but to make it less complex but you have to tinker is to edit one of the sheetmtl catalog object's shape (dimple or the bead as you want it as a half slot like indents) that is almost close to what you want, save it with a new name and drop it back to the sheet mtl catalog as your custom dent.


I wish I have saved that.



Edited by jolizon590016
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