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Part Properties

Dave G

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Sorry ~ Still confused and losing the plot.

Say, a channel weighs 10.2 kg/per mtr - in a scene I produce this channel and make it 1mtr long, the weight of this part should then read 10.2 kg from the Analysis tool bar


I've input the mass density of the material as 10.2 from the part properties although do not end up back with 10.2 on the Analysis ???



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Is the volume of your component truly 1 cubic meter?


I just did it with a simple block.. but can you attatch the model of the channel you are using?...


The units for the density would be "weight/meter^3"...


If the volume of your geometry is 1 cubic meter... or 1 meter long by any other dimensions that will give the volume to be 1 cubic meter.. then you will end up with a weight of 10.2 kg..


Seems like it should all work itself out.. there would have to be something wrong with the geometry.. or the tabulated value for the weight of the channel or given dimensions are incorrect.. maybe the tabulated weight is only a close guess...


How far off are your results?


If you are converting to metric in the scene... you may already be behind the curve... I ran into some issues on a previous design from switching units back and forth... rounding error stacking...


Attatch the file if you can...



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Is there a way of obtaining the weight of a part in Kilogrammes per metre ?



Nope. IronCAD tool will report total weight only (kg). You would have to manually divide the reported weight by the part length to obtain what you are looking for (if you do really want a report of "weight-per-length").


The weight density input in ironcad is a weight-per-volume (not weight-per-length) input, which is why you are not getting the results you expect from your experiment.



Edited by Mike Twining
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AAAHHH... I see the original question...


Mike Twining is correct...


But as far as the model is concerned... again.. you would only expect the weight of a 1meter part to be 10.2 from the analysis.. only if you had 1cubic meter volume...


The volume of the part is less than 1cubic meter.. therefore you are getting a weight less than 10.2kg.


Alex has it...


HA... I am not a professional... I have to deal with these physics professors everyday... like being in school.... better to ask than to get it wrong...


Edited by mmccall
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I see the point, having the possibility to put in weight/length.


That would be nice to have for cables, wires, chanels, ducts, ladders etc where the manufacturer only state the weight/length (in most cases kg/m).


It should be possible I think to do that for extruded or sweeped geometries.


Put it as an ER!


/ Marcus

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Guest bkline

There also needs to be a way to display this data in the BOM. And have the BOM add up the entire weight of the product. Another ER to add to the very long list.

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