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Creating 3d Graphical Notes


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If you wish to create notes and annotation to your 3D scene with ancillary graphics associated with them, then heres a technique to achieve this. This technique is useful for more visual e-colloboration as well as generating more effective presentation materials.


This technique also works extremely well for creating 3D overlays on a 3D Part/Assembly.


Hope this provides some benefits.



How to apply 3D graphical notes:


1. Simply either use or generate a image file (from Ironcad) using either a White or Black background color.

2. Then add notes to the image using Ms Paint (or other).

3. In the 3D scene drag a block from the shapes catalog, resize as needed and then right click on “front” surface and “Create Surface Shape”. Delete original block.

4. Then change the surface shape color to white or black to match your image to be used background.

5. At the suface level on the surface shape, apply a DEAL with the Cut-Away transparency option on and either White/Black pixels to match image to “cut-thru”

6. Then simply postion the surface shape to the desired location to “overlay” on your 3D model as needed using the TriBall.

7. Render


This may seem like a lot but its really not.







Opps, I cut off image, sorry, but you get the jist.

Edited by tlehnhaeuser
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