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Posts posted by DSHAW

  1. Ya, as expected nothing is working. Your videos don't make sense. I cannot upload the files in the new 2017 version nor can I duplicate what's in the video? Lost absolutely lost! I can create simple structures and extract some surfaces. Trial and error more like years of trying and not figuring it out. I appreciate the effort trying to show me how to create a mold cavity, even after my 4 day training I cannot make anything work.

  2. Malcolm and IK thank you for the response. I am struggling to see exactly what your doing in the video. This is really important for me to figure out. There's a couple of suggestions here I'll try. Appreciate your patience. May require more help. I tried to open the files and I cannot. You have a newer version. Hum, we pay for updates??

  3. I need assistance to create an impression of a part like making a Mold cavity. For example after I load a part model into IronCad how do I extract some surfaces to create a new block with the reverse image of the surfaces. Or look at it this way, we import a part file...we have to sit this part in a new Block, like a check fixture. How do I copy the parts surfaces into a new block form to create like a "nest". I cannot find one video online to assist with this function. Some high end software packages have what they call is a Mold Split option. You take a part and split it in half like creating a mold around the part? Any advice would be appreciated.

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