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Everything posted by PWATSON

  1. Hi Tom, attached is a video i made of what i was trying to explain.. It would be interesting to get Roberts Take on this as I may be off in Left field here and just missing something. I really like Caxa Draft but it has some very quirky parts which make me want to toss the whole computer out the window some days.. Cheers Caxa_paper_model_space.mp4
  2. Hi Tom.. That is a great video of how to use view ports and is exactly how view ports should be used and the way that Autocadd operates as well. The only thing is you'll notice there was never a B.O.M. imported or any annotations added such as section views or details. I suspect, from my experience, that is because CAXA Cant seem to handle having the B.O.M on the layout while the 3d views are in model space. As well, you cannot create sections on layout space for items that are in model space. In order to create sections, you have to first create the sections in model space, but the caveat is that for the section annotation to be displayed properly when you go back to layout you must know what scale the viewport is at and then scale your annotations appropriately. It really is a messy way to draw. However, if you just pick a space...model or paper and drop your 3d views there and use the scaling function of the view creation dialog (ie set your scale at view placement) just like in ICD then let CAXA deal with the dimensions it all works nicely. cheers Peter
  3. I used autocadd 100% prior to adding Ironcad to the mix and still use it alot. For Me the similarities of Caxa and it's ability to seamlessly open autocad files was an obvious choice. Here are my $.02. In Autocadd I always use model space for 2d layouts all drawn at 1:1. I then utilize paper space to do my scaling and dimensioning and annotating ect. Using CAXA draft this way when working with 3D doesn't work..(at least as far as i can tell) as the program is unable to place 3d views in model space and then have the paper and BOM in paper space (also known as Layout space). You cant itemize anything. So for 3D caxa use I put everything in one space (for me paper space) and let Caxa take care of the scaling ect. This way there is only one dimension style, text size ect to deal with. Essentially I use CAXA in the same manner as ICD The only time i use Model space is to import some reference geometry ect. I really don't feel there is a huge difference in the way the two programs Operate. There are some definite pluses to ICD when it comes to ease of view manipulation compared to Caxa and Caxa does some really weird things with View labels and ordinate dimensions ect, however I find there is much more flexibility in Caxa....sort of iphone vs samsung cheers, Peter
  4. Thanks Jonas.. I just got back from some time off and read your post. I saw the numbering function in IC Mechanical but really didn't know how to use it. I will watch the video and hopefully that will help. Thanks, Again.
  5. Hi attached is a screen shot of what i would like to do... I currently utilize this type of application in my 2D Autocadd drawings where the file name populates the drawing title block. That way i always know that my filenames and drawing names match. I would like to utilize that functionality in ironcad scenes. I have made errors in the past by "forgetting" to open a scene to change the part number after renaming or doing a saveas. PART_NUMBER.pdf
  6. I was wondering if there is a method where the filename of a part can be linked into the part number property. I would like to be able to have my part numbers linked to my model file names so that if i create a new part using a save as function the part number of the part will update as well. I have the ironcad mechanical addon which has many useful tools but couldnt find something like this. Thanks Peter
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