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Everything posted by dprodanic

  1. I was afraid that this is the case (I googled img for Schleppkurven). Unfortunately I do not have anything similar but it should not be a problem to be modeled. The only question is which method to use: solid, surface or curve?
  2. I work a lot about architecture, maybe I can help but I did not understand what you need. Perhaps to show an example/img.
  3. http://blogs.wsj.com/tech-europe/2011/08/0...oogle_news_blog
  4. I work on the DimensionBST768 3D printer for 3 years and I have a lot of experience in other 3d printing technologies. It all depends on which would be use-purpose of 3d printer. There are many different materials to suit a particular purpose. You should also pay attention to the resolution and print speeds. You should take into consideration aftertreatment of printed models. Due to various printing technologies, supporting material (witch I do not see that in the case of Makerbot) in some cases is removed manually and in some cases chemically. Sometimes this can create problems, especially in a manual removal of supporting material.
  5. 1. Triball 2. Hide Unselected 3. Show All 4. Create > Thicken Shape 5. Offset 6. Combine Shapes
  6. If you have complex 2D profile in scene, e.g. imported from DWG and slowdown speed in orbit camera mode, just make Assembly of that 2D profile. That will speed up orbit.
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