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Everything posted by tlehnhaeuser

  1. Jkim - That is exactly what I want to do. But Chris, I am not exactly sure how to do this through custom animation. I assume the pushrod must move back and forth on a linear move path. But I do not understand how to accurately have this linear motion timed with the cam B-spline type movement. Tom
  2. Hi Shaun, We have just started learning Rhino for its robust surfacing capabilities. I also know that Rhino and other products (that will remain nameless) can have total associativity and interoperability between them which makes some an ideal solution.
  3. Thanks Kevin. I didn't think about the custom animation side of it.
  4. Does Anyone know how to animate the action of a pushrod around the surface of an oblong cam? Any help is appreciated. Tom Cam.bmp
  5. Robert, I tried your method and it works great. Just one thing for some reason it always changes the background to black even if the original image had a white backgroung. Any ideas? Thanks Tom
  6. Thanks Guys for all the help. I will try it out. Tom
  7. I am trying to assign a different image to a stad catalog of parts we are creating. When I go to "Change Icon" it looks for an *.ico file. Is there a way to change image files to an *.ico file or is there an easier way to do this? Tom - Magnacad
  8. I have this problem also. Acrobat 5.0 cleared some up. But What I do is create a bmp from the scene and then in 2D click CREATE - OBJECT - CREATE FROM FILE - And browse to I get my image. This works great when exporting to PDF. Also this allows full rendered and perspective views on the drawing. Hope this helps Tom Lehn...
  9. Sorry...The Parts are stuck in regenerating mode (watch in lower left corner of status bar). Can stop it to continue modeling.
  10. Is anyone having this problem. We create a plate with four c'bored holes (using custom hole) linked at each corner. They all are locked dimensionally 2.00 from each corner to maintain during plate rezise. We create a separart Leader Pin (two cylinders) and mate/align constrain Pin to be Co-Axis with one C'bore hole. We also mate/align constrain Pin so its underside shoulder face is mate constrinied to bottom face of C'bore dia. When we go to resize plate the holes move and the pin moves great but all the parts seem to be such in regenerate mode and I can't stop it. Any help is appreciated Tom
  11. 1. Full Associative between the Folded and Unfolded part. Can model on which ever makes the most sense at the time and have both update automatically. 2. Also the ability to change features at will (ie change a round louver to a lanced louver af design is complete). 3. Use 2D (dxf, dwg) geometry to use for bending, features, etc... 4. An automatic gusset feature would be nice for across bends. (Help: could be a extended shelled rib) While your on the subject.
  12. I stand correctly, I'm glad it works
  13. We model in parasolid because its truly more robust than Acis. We like the option though because, we can talior fit our design depending on our clients programs. In General, if we had to choose between them. Its definitely Parasolid for robustness and the ability to share with CAM products more readily. Tom
  14. Hey Chris, Like you really need this (hee hee) Tom
  15. check out http://www.Rhino3d.com Tom
  16. I have found an interesting trick that may help IronCAD new users help their learning process. On Windows desktop right click and go to PROPERTIES tab, then click APPEARANCE tab. Under ITEM field scroll to 3D OBJECTS. Change its color to a darker one (I found a medium green works well not to dark and no to light). Click OK. Start IronCAD and try to put a blend on a block. Notice how the pop-up toolbar icons are still gray. As opposed to all the other toolbars. This helps new users to see what icons are "active" for the command. Once you get familiar you can always set your colors back to original. Good Luck
  17. Huh. we had the same problem. But as a workaround you can right click on surface and THICKEN it to form new part to use. This worked for us Tom Magancad
  18. We have experienced that all most all the titleblock information (title, dwg# etc...) does not export into PDF. I can't figure that out. Tom Lehn...
  19. Some of our customers using IronCAD have found that GibbsCAM works very well with IronCAD. Not sure about price thought. Good Luck Tom
  20. One of My Clients using XP could not get IonCAD to function at all. He called Microsoft and they fixed the problem. Here are the steps (don't shoot me if I don't get it completely right). Click START button - Go to HELP - I think last on list is either Tech Support or Updating Applications menu - Follow wizard to emulate Windows 2000. He said it work like a charm. I am waiting for a more detailed procedure. I thought that this would be enought for more computer savy users.
  21. We are a reseller for Labtec's Spaceball and I think it would be great if it also would would with IronCAD. It's a tool once you have and asked how did I live without it.
  22. I am not sure , but in IronCAD 5.0, they is a global origin postion that you may be able to use. But there is no hole table command yet in IronCAD. I would post your need to the enhancement request page on this site.
  23. Robert, when we deal with electronic designers for our projects (These use a program called PADS) they supply us a dxf file which we use to generate 3D solids of just the major components on the PCB. We were also used it to create a 1:1 scale of the pcb to align compenets. Check out the attached image.
  24. LastDRAW, Inc. is New Yorks/Long Islands largest IronCAD reseller. LDI provides Full support from Pre-Sales to Post Sales including Certified Training and even outsource engineering to help your companies engineering process move smooth and seamless through software changes. http://www.lastdraw.com/ironcad.php
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