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B. Ludin

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Everything posted by B. Ludin

  1. I'm relatively new to IC, so I don't know nothing about the "Alventive disaster". But, like Carlo and presumably the majority of the users, I'm mainly interested in seeing IronCAD developed and debugged. I certainly would not approve of our AA contract money being spent on the development of other products. Beat
  2. id=quote> I won't argue with that. That's why I like working with Illustrator. It uses PS internally and not just as an ouput format. However, while it is true that PCL doesn't really exist in the Mac world, PS does exist in the Win world. id=quote> That's true. But still, I haven't had problems opening files under Win ever since I've turned my back on MacOS (sigh!). And I've been working on publishing projects including multimedia data coming from dozens of labs around the worlds in all formats imaginable. id=quote> Just If you're talking about unit definition, all the professional programs I work with use 72 point per inch. So a guess you means screen resolution. The theoretical standard is 96 ppi under Win (vs. 72 ppi under MacOS). But why would it matter that something has a different absolute size on screen (unless you want to take a ruler and measure something directly on screen) if the resolution of screen and printer are vastly different anyway? Last but not least, Apple has stoppped sticking to 72ppi screen resolution several years ago, anyway. id=quote> Same here. But different applications, I would assume. id=quote> That weas certainly true a few years ago. But I must admit that XP isn't that bad an OS. id=quote> Pretty ironical, isn't it? I long for the day when people will change over to MacOS in flocks because of the great software MS produces for it
  3. Rick - I've been a Mac user for many years and I still prefer MacOS to Win but I had to give in and join the Dark Empire for business reasons. Anyway, pertaining to this thread, what exactly is it that a Mac wil do easily which is difficult or impossible on a PC?
  4. The exported PDF is vectorized and you can import and edit it in any PDF-savvy editor (e.g. Illustrator), so I'm not sure what you mean when you say it's not good enough for manuals. The only thing I'm not sure about is why they didn't give the option of saving as vectorized EPS also (which is supported by some programs that do not read PDF, like Word for instance), now that they have PDF, since the two formats are essentially identical. Beat
  5. Well, listing known bugs has nothing to do with putting pressure on IC LLC or whatever. It would simply save people from wasting a lot of time trying to figure out if they are doing something wrong or if it is just a bug. Beat
  6. Concerning Peter's post: 1. Yes. Absolutely. Very annoying. Meant to bicker and rant about that for quite some time, just never got round to do it. Furthermore, I would like to see in the Scene Browser, which assemblies/parts are externally linked (I've already asked for that in the enhancements forum) and which of these have changed. This would make working with part libraries so much easier. 2. Haven't come across that yet. But I never work in perspective mode, maybe that's the reason. 3. Minor nuisance. Which doesn't mean that it shouldn't be fixed. 4. I fully agree with that, too. BTW, point 3 and 4 are isolated issues, i.e. they should be very easy to implement w/o having to fear that they will adversly affect other parts of the software. The same is true of many other enhancement requested, e.g. planar constraint for the tri-ball. I know, these things always look a bit simpler if you don't have to do them yourself. Still, I can't understand it takes so long to implement them. May I insinuate that this kind of simple stuff would be considered boring by most code writers and thus it gets laid off again and again? Point 1 may be a bit more difficult and challenging - but certainly worth the effort. Just my 0.02 Beat
  7. What for? I know jurisdiction in the US is evolving in direction where that question becomes irrelevant, but to date, I think you still need a cause of some sort ;-)
  8. Andrew - FYI, IC5.0hf2 works fine on my Dell Inspiron (GeForce2Go, 32MB) at 1600x1200. Cheers, Beat
  9. The only question is: What is a 'known bug'? Many bugs that are reported seem to be setup specific and do not originate from IC (only). What would the criterion be? Confirmation by at least 2 other users? Beat
  10. Q1/02 is over already (time funs when you're having flies), does that mean, 5.2 has been released? Beat
  11. "this quarter" used to be Q1/02. That has now moved to Q2. So I'm sure it will be realized this quarter, whenever that may be
  12. I've also had no success projecting from (or snapping to) 2D shapes. Beat
  13. When I link a part into scene with several configurations which save suppression state and position of intellishapes, it sometimes becomes impossible to unsuppress blends or chamfers once they have been suppressed in one configuration. This does not seem to happen with hole intellishapes. Has anybody else observed this? Beat
  14. Josh - I've observed this, too, and I'm pretty sure that IC doesn't display the bitmap at all but the preview (thumbnail) in the header of the file only. Beat
  15. I would supsect that IC cannot import DXF splines since it can't export them either. Just ot verify that, save from Rhino with polylines instead of splines and try again. It may not help you, but at least you'll know where the problem lies. Beat
  16. What you describe may not be IC's fault, just Murphy's Law...
  17. Chris - Alex is right. Undo gets lost quite often. I've regarded that as a missing feature rather than a bug since I know other programs which that share this limitation with IC. Anyway, if you tell us it shouldn't be like that, I'll try to make notes when it happens. Beat
  18. Chris - Thanks for the explanation. I didn't want to seem impatient or even rude, I just wanted to beat you with respect to brevity. Being able to select which layers to import isn't my top priority request, it would just be convenient to have (and not so difficult to implement, I would presume). Anyway, I think setting up a poll for users to prioritize a list of possible enhancements is an excellent idea - as long as everybody has the same priorities as me, that is. Beat
  19. Chris - I've seen the press release. To me it sounds like it'll still take a couple of months until Granite will be included in IC (any comments about the timeline?), but Rick sounds as if he's got the the software update already...
  20. Rick, where did you get the update from? Or are you just raving at the prospect of things to come? Cheers, Beat
  21. On the same note, is there a possibility to select the layers to import? It's quite tedious to clean out all the unwanted stuff. Beat
  22. Sure. But as much as I like T&E and playing around, I haven't got all day long. IC's interface is great (mostly), still I do like to have a comprehensive manual which I can work through once and reference later. But then, I may be an exception in that respect Beat
  23. Neat!! How many more of this (undocumented?) treasures are there hidden in IC? Beat
  24. Can I have a CPM version for my Sinclair Z80?
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