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Marcus Bertilsson

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Posts posted by Marcus Bertilsson

  1. What is the best way to import pictures from a sceen or drawing into Windows Office (word/excel/powerpoint).


    1# If I want a rendered view?


    2# If I want a drawing view with only lines (no shading)?


    3# If I want it to still be vectors in office (wmf format maybe)?


    4# If I want a black and white picture?


    5# Is it not possible to just "edit copy" a selection in IronCAD and "edit paste" into the office programs?


    / Marcus

  2. ...

    So the future direction for ERs will mainly be more productivity tools and trying to complete gaps that stop customers from completing their job for our target market....




    Thank you Cary for the good answer.

    And it is good to hear that you will have the focus on productivity tools. You have my vote for that.


    / Marcus

  3. Currently the update for the helix path is slated for PU1 of IronCAD 8.0 due out around September. I will see if we can sneak in the path option as well. R&D will need to determine the effort for that so it may not make, but I can ask.





    Hi Cary!

    Good to hear that this might come in PU1.

    I can live with what we have until September for this, BUT NOT LONGER.


    We shall have an investigation if IC is the right tool for us here in september.

    Is there more information about what will come in PU1?

    (I hope that a lot of drawing and 2D things will be fixed as well)


    / Marcus

  4. That was a good looking wire, very near what I'm after.


    It's sad to hear that this isn't possible in IronCAD (if it is true what you say).


    And what scars me most is that you have asked for it for years.


    IronCAD, any particular reason not to implement it?


    What is the philosophy of IronCAD, is it to have a 3:d party application (like Rhino) for more advanced shapes?


    Do I have to have Rhino for these kind of things?


    / Marcus

  5. This is easily done in Rhino. If you don't have it, you can download a free copy that works for 20 saves at www.rhino3d.com.





    Yes, this is easily done in many other programs, I used MicroStation before and it was realy easy to create things like this.


    Do I have to have another program to solve this?

  6. Anybody out there that can help me with this one?


    I'm trying to model wires and ropes, that is bended.


    Like this:


    - The cross-section consist of several round parts. (only the outher ones has to be drawn.


    - The wire is spined around the center line like a helix.


    - The path for the helix center is bended, following a 3D guide curve.


    Is this possible in IronCAD?


    Any help or answer is greatly appreciated!

    / Marcus

  7. Hi, Brian!


    You have a lot of things that you can pre set under the "properties" icon (next to layers and styles).


    But I think you can't set active attributes, I think that is what you are after. That is something I wish we will get.


    So you can choose which layer and styles etc. that shall be actice until you choose something else (preferaly like a pulldown menu or likewise).


    / Marcus

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