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Marcus Bertilsson

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Posts posted by Marcus Bertilsson

  1. I'm feeling that V9 is slower handling big assemblies then V8.

    It is harder and takes longer time to get smartsnap points for example and also to get visual feedback for selection of part/assemblies in scene browser.


    Is there anybody feeling the same?


    / Marcus

  2. Not really a measure tool but it works.


    Create a 3D-curve of what you want to measure (you can project an edge for example).

    Then mark the curve and right-click/properties.


    There under one of the tabs the length is visible.


    / Marcus

  3. For me it is mostly things from drawings with dimensions and annotations that I want to get into Office programs. And in other programs the printout is much better if the imported file is a wmf.


    / Marcus

  4. Yes thats right.

    And it is for getting vector grafic between programs like Office, Autocad, Microstatiion etc.


    The benefit of getting it in Office as vectors instead of raster is that it is most of the time smaller, get better printouts etc


    / Marcus

  5. Is it possible somehow to lock two endpoint positions of a part to other objects, a extruded or sweeped shape maybe?

    So if I move the other object the first part will be stretched with it (end point move) getting longer or shorter.


    Why I´m asking is because I try to model a lattice steel structure where the corner angle beam is angled in two directions and then I have to model up the side cross arms that also is as angle beam. It would be great to be able to let this cross arms follow with when I move the corner beams.

    It is not the lenght of the cross arms that are steering the design, it is the corner beams and the distance where the crossarms are connected to the corner beams.


    Length of cross arm is then only a output for cut list.


    Help is much appreciated!

    / Marcus

  6. I just want to say one thing.


    Whatch out for more than one level referencing.

    It is so hard to control them.

    In the begining I used a lot of them, but I have changed to have copys instead.


    Also be careful with the "insert" and turning of the check mark "link". It will only break link in one level, so you can still have links under it. This have drive me nuts.


    / Marcus

  7. That may be the best solution for now.

    I shall give it a try. Maybe it is pretty quick to use the trim tool introduced in IC8.


    I think it is sad that we have to go trough dwg/dxf to solve certain things.

    Why can't it be possible to copy/paste/explode views directly in IC.


    / Marcus

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