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Everything posted by cborer

  1. cborer


    Often with Hatch Tool I cannot select the surfaces Hatch cannot attach.wmv
  2. Does not work anymore Text Mask.wmv
  3. Is there a possibilty to keep the lines after hutch? Means keep the view (Front View) on the top?
  4. Dear Cary That would be great. Lock at position (but still able to measure, hutch and so on) Funnyways, when the Layer(base) is locked everithing is locked on that Layer (signs and so on) but not the View. So to me it would need a new Layer called "view" (=base) or the Layer base is just for the view (by default) Many thanks
  5. HI Is it possible to lock the Base Layer (Front View)? Actually it is a pain to work in the drawing section, without lock the Base Layer. Often I cannot select signs and dimensions and so on.... cause IC selects the Base Layer instead of anything other. Lock Layer.wmv
  6. The "mate" is similar and helps here.
  7. To give a sample I exported this shape to Rhino an made some surface blend with G2 The I reimported to compare with the original. 1. Are the shape feelings still the same 2. Does the wall mount still fit. In this case it would have been helpfull to simply aline by the "Elipse surface with the Zylinder" (which stayed the same) (above) .....but some how it worked at the end. But I missed an aline by surface (shape/outline) since begining with IC for many reasons.
  8. Thank you Cary The congruent positioning/ constrain tool would compare 2 surfaces (or 2 outlines/ or even 2 shapes) and arrange them (aline) equal to each other If it is clever: it also realizes an offset distance on one of the surfaces (similar to parallel to axis)...and will aline it according to the offset distance. if it is super clever: If there are changes in a shape: it understands the main shape (as example 80%) of the shape and alines corresponding to the 80%. This would be helpful to compare (by aline) parts before and after the changes and would help to aline if the geometry is a bit more complex as a zylinder or a cone. But yes, to answer: if the shapes are not the same it fails. (the no clever version)
  9. Hi Is it possible to positioning congruent? I have to surfaces that are congruent. So it would be nice to position like: Surface congruent or outline congruent. In this sample I would like to simply select these 2 surfaces (green highlighted)….or its outline
  10. Hi is it possible to variable blend with G2? ….better for good Zebra lines. Is smooth Connected this option? The simple Radius Blend is often not that sophisticated. :-)
  11. The switch off worked….I am so happy :-)
  12. Thanks Cary The move over the red inactive handle moves away the white box....the blue numbers will stay
  13. Can I switch off Popup-Size of intellishape somewhere. Sometimes it is impossible to handle a Sizebox handle, cause of that Popup ...I know: Escape* But the the Numbers are still there and instead of the handle I can only attach the number which will change by draging…. And is it possible to switch off the auto change of the input field? Means: when I changed one sizebox dimension, press enter, the next one popup apears, not happy to me....
  14. Thanks Cary There would be 2 ways: 1. Avarage middle Point (fine for me) (easy to do) (this would be similar like COG) 2. Select a Point to be "World 00"
  15. Thank you all! By the way: The Data came from Swiss goverment geometric System. Funnyways the 0 Point is somewhere in the Atlantic. So it was really far away. :-) ER: dxf Import to 2d shape: Option: set drawing to World 0/0
  16. Thanks! But I cannot se a tab?
  17. Thanks Cary The reason is that I have many assemblies and under assemblies. When I zoom in I sometimes have selected something, without realizing, ...then suddently it moves.... at the end nothing is on the right place... Do you mean like this?
  18. HI I have a complex architecture file. Many floors, walls, windows and so on. I like to “fix at parent” everything. The parts but also as well the assemblies…. So it would be nice to select several parts at same time and press “fix in parent” (does not work here) Same with assemblies. Maybe this is an ER?: Select an assembly and press “Fix in Parent with all parts” (and assemblies) Actually it is a lot of work, to find each part and assembly in a structure. And I have to really fix them all to be sure…. Is there a way around it? PS Same with: “Prevent selection below part”
  19. Dear Malcolm + Cary That was it! 1000 thanks! I tested the files and they work perfectly! (But I cannot download the movies) Maybe the Thing is that I had no idea where the 0/0 is on the 2d shape...... (or better: I often see the 0/0 but not the lines, so I simply finish, then select "Fit to Scene" ) :-) ER: in this case it would be helpful to have an Option to "Center the Import around 0/0" Many thanks to all! Kind regards, Carlo
  20. Dear Malcolm many thanks I cannot see the video in the browser. Can you please post your Video? (Mhh I do not use CAXA) PS The distance from Origin is not my problem (finish and Fit to Scene)...or do you think that the distane changes the geometry? The geometry is wrong in my case. Circles are anything Lines are not on place Wrong lenght and direction. and so on.....
  21. So I imported it with only 200 mm. See what happens when the camera is turning. Video_2020-11-18_224914.wmv Lines changes their Position and Length and geometry. Video_2020-11-18_224914.wmv
  22. Thanks Kevin Your answer is surpricing me. I worked in this size 7 years ago with Iron Cad (same file) and it worked. So what is the Limitation? 100m ? or 500m ? I am actually doing architekture. The size might be 400 x 400 m
  23. I got these dxf from geographic services But IC does not properly Import in a 2d shape. Circles, even straight lines are wrong. Size: meters Rhino can do it perfectly Import/export Test3.dwgTest2.dxf 983-neue_AV-Situation-red.dxf
  24. I will be out some weeks and wanted to load IC on my Laptop It is not able to load meta file. What is the problem?
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