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Posts posted by bbuche

  1. We are having a bunch of problems on legacy scenes and drawings (version 10). Items dissapearing from view but showing up in scene browsers. Grouping issues and too many other things to list. Mostly relates to legacy files only.


    Just wondering if anybody else is having these problems.




  2. any word on this? I have dealers calling up daily looking if they can update and we have ones that have switched up on the xp platform submitting drawings that we can not open because we have not updated yet.




  3. Has anybody else noticed a delay now when moving views/text/images in the drawing? At first I thought it was broken or something was locked but found out it is just a delay. A bunch of colleagues of mine are experiencing the same thing with hf4.


    Just wondering if it is just us, thanks




  4. Is there any way when you are croping that you can set the shape you used to crop to show up as a view curve.


    Example when I crop using a square I do the usual steps and crop then I have to try and draw a square using sheet curves over my croped area that I want to highlight and hope to match up my square with the croped area. This is even harder when I use a circle.


    Any suggestions?





    Do we have any time frame when this will be available?




    Hi Mike,


    Well it appears that the DLL's for the scene browser are not in the HF3 package. I will work to get these ready and release them as a self-extracting exe next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.






  6. what controls the size of the original text box before you type anything. First of all this box is way too large. Second why cant the placement of the text be on the end of the leader line instead of inside this huge box. This results in me placing the text somewhere on my page typing what I want and then the extra step of now placing it where I wanted it to go in the first place. I hope you can return it to how it used to be and work when pu1 comes out.




  7. We are using Intel Core Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz and 3.25 gb of ram on a windows XP Professional platform. Using the 3gb switch with the Userva 2800. We are using a Nvidia Quadro FX 1500 card. When we bought our computers we talked directly to IC about what they suggested and modeled our purchase to that.


    I appreciate you taking time to try and help us out. One difference we have is we work over a network. I will admit I think it is some of our problem but some of the things we run into are just straight IC and really unexplainable. I just cant believe out of the 250 people that read my post our company w/ like 30 seats of IC are the ONLY people having problems and are willing to speak up.


    I know there are more people are out there and it is not a bad thing to tell IC what is going on so they can make it a better program. I think it is a great program and believe me I was a straight AutoCAD guy but we just need to get it back to where we had it after 9.1

  8. I guess I will be the angry guy of this message board but come on IC it has been weeks and no hot fix in sight. People at my work and getting madder and madder loosing work at least 2 times a day every day now. Since I am on the boards they ask me to ask you WHEN WILL WE GET OUR HOT FIX?

  9. just to start out I am not bashing IC on this just telling the truth which isnt always accepted on this board.


    My machine has been somewhat stable for a while now but I make sure I do not have any other program open and that I close all catalogs that I do not need at the time. My co-workers on the other hand loose hours of work and the mood is pretty sour. The joke around my place is how is your day and the response is well my IC hasnt crashed yet so pretty good. The thing I dont get is when IC just shuts off. No warning no error report just bye bye. It happens to everyone here and I couldnt pin it to any certain command.


    I give credit to IC when credit is due and it looks like they are going in the right direction but it always seems like one step forward two steps back on a new level release.

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