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Posts posted by bbuche

  1. in the past when you extended a line and it met the end of another line did it automatically connect or did we have to connect it. For some reason I am having to connect a lot more lines now a days and was wondering if that was normal





  2. I am creating a custom template in 2011 using the ironcad custom tab in the document properties. I have everything right where I want them but there is some info there that I would like to get rid of. The info in particular is the Document version, the last saved by and the last saved in lines. Does anybody know if this is possible?


  3. does anybody know how to get the config based boms' to match the master bom or is this not even a posibility? We have people that are getting confused (not used to reading prints) that one item can have a different number on config bom and then cant comprehend that it is the same part but different number on the master.




  4. so I have a square flat surface that I want rounded corners on, I tried all the buttons on the surface toolbar and cant find one that might do what I am trying to do? Am I just not getting it right?

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