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Posts posted by tmowry

  1. Two common commands that could be improved:


    1. Catalog tabs

    On the right side of the screen there is a tab “catalog browser” that pops out the catalogs. It takes some time to carefully guide the curser over that small tab, could this tab be made about 3” long to run half way down the screen? Then a quick flick of the curser to the upper right would be all that is needed to pop out the current catalog.

    To access most catalogs the user must carefully click on the upper right tab, then carefully guide the curser down to a little 1/8” button in the lower right, then click, then move up to carefully the select the catalog.

    Could a long (like 3”) tab be added to the lower right to pop up the full catalog list? Just flick the curser over to the lower right to pop up the complete catalog list.

    Another option is to go back to the old layout with catalog tabs down the whole right side of the screen.


    2. Multi column screen browser

    A catalog can be expanded into multi columns, even to the point of filling the entire screen; this saves a lot of scrolling and is a big help with large catalogs.

    Could the screen browser also be able to be expanded to multi columns? With large assemblies the user spends so much time in the browser scrolling or clicking on tiny boxes to expand or contract items. With multi columns, perhaps pinned on a 2nd monitor, the whole assembly and part structure could be seen at a glance, and one could directly pick as needed.



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