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  1. Thanks Cary I understand.....lets hope. :-)
  2. to me it is important that Beta 24 files are to open in IC24 later. I test with real data and working process (only this gives sense) I wouldnt like to loose them...
  3. actually that would help me too.
  4. Not a resolution question. meanwhile I found dxf to pdf that works in any size
  5. Youre right But I cannot print more than a A0 here. ...as pdf. PS they do not print it in one item
  6. Hi is it possible to prind a very large pdf? 2x3m
  7. I remember here it does not work!
  8. If I export: IC exports Layers no matter if they are ON or OFF (Text/hatch uso) I tried with Print but I think to remember that ON/OFF doesn't matter for export too. So what can I do if I want to export a dxf without text?
  9. This took me some time to learn and understand. But here it is. See movie Create hatch stile.wmv
  10. So to share my experience with IronCad for architecture. The creation process is very nice and fun as we all know. It becomes more tricky when you need the production plans / drawings. So first create your own Styles and Layers! For Line thickness and all hatch. You can save them (IC saves them in the sheet so copy the sheets) and they are ready to use, quite tricky as a start but there is a benefit in the production. PS: Here a nice tutorial would help. So my tricks: 1. Never change the name of the main file, save backups with numbers… So the drawings are always corresponding with the file. (make a backup every day!) 2. in progress the architecture details change all the time …so you must make the same plan many times. Therefore, the ViewManager in IC Mechanical is perfect. With the view Manager you can save any view for each drawing. So you can develop the building and easily update every drawing, no matter which floor or detail. Easily change between the drawings. And then something new for IC: Maurizio of IC Mechanical helps you immediately. If you find a bug or a problem, next day you get an updated software! WOW! Thank you Maurizio! So finally I am relatively happy to make architecture with IC the bugs or ERs in drawing section are known. Hopefully the come. But without the view manager I guess it would be hard. So Mechanical is every doller worth. See the movie! View Manager.wmv
  11. Is it possible to export IFC files?
  12. Can we also round the corners at text ?
  13. Thank you all. Sorry I do not use BOM or Caxa Simply would need the bubbles Like this in Rhino But did it with text tool So this is an ER
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